There is No Dam You Can't Overcome | Teen Ink

There is No Dam You Can't Overcome

March 7, 2014
By Anniebow SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
Anniebow SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Change is inevitable and may not introduce itself in the kindest of ways. The idea is to fine hope in something. Anything. Never lose hope in yourself. Never lose hope in family." Devin & Andrew Oliver

“I’m strong, I’m smart, I’m bold. I am strong, I am smart, I am bold!” I told myself over and over with more confidence each time. I was laying in my bed trying to become brave enough to tell my mom I was feeling under the weather, so I didn't have to go to school. I was twelve year old girl , who loved going to school, when my bullies weren't there, but of course they were there almost every day. They made me feel worthless, and miserable.
I could hear my mom coming up the stairs. My ears were buzzing, my heart was racing, my legs were even shaking. I didn't want to tell my her about all the bullying that was going on at school because , I knew she would do nothing about it. Or she would say that I was the one who instigated the situation. Her giving her two since always made me feel worse. I would never tell her about the stuff I was struggling with, for that reason. It was as if I wasn't her little girl anymore. I still wanted her love and affection , but she never gave it to me in the ways I wanted it.
“Why aren't you out of bed yet? You’re going to miss the bus.”she said in a rough tone.
“Oh, its that time already?” I said in shame knowing that I had just chickened out. Oh, I was furious with myself. Then, I blurted “ I think I’m sick.” My mom just looked at me with a scowl. I was almost positive she knew i was hiding something.
“ Why? What's wrong?”she said in a softer tone than expected.
“ Um, I have an ear-stomach ache.”I switched answers quickly and paused.
She expressed very sternly “I don't believe you get up ,get ready and be ready to go, in a few minutes!”.
“But, but ….Fine.” I groaned. I had ten minutes until the bus would be at my bus stop, so I stood up and started to adron. I was ready just in time. My mom and I loaded up in the car ,so we could drive to the bus stop. When I made it there all I wanted to do was put my earphones in, and block everyone out. I always felt so alone on the bus and at the bus stop, except when I was with Junior. But sometimes he was mean to me like everyone else. I never really understood why people weren't fond of me, but now I think I have a pretty good Idea on why.I can be very loud and over talkative. I will admit I was and still am very weird, that might have something to do with it also.
I was getting on the bus when ,I started to remember that I was getting on a bus that was taking me to Hell’s home. There, was going to be so much drama , that I wasn't ready to deal with this early in the morning.

When the bus stopped I took a breath and mumbled to myself “ I will be fine. No one will even notice me.”

Junior whom I was sitting with asked me “What?” .

I uttered to him “OH, nothing I was just talking to myself.”with a gentle smile.

He smiled at me and stated “Okay.” I was still not happy that my mom didn't let me stay home but it was a little late now. I guess it was better not to do a lot of make up work.

Our column was told we could stand up and get off, but I started to stalling. I was going super slow, thinking about what was coming ahead, I knew it wasn't unicorns and rainbows. I guess if I had just thought about the fact that I wasn't the only one who had problems like this, it might had been easier.

When I made it off the bus, I strolled to the cafeteria. When, I finally got there and took a few steps in,and by then I could feel those girls staring at me. It was as if they were looking at a tray full of makeup and perfumes that they desperately wanted. I could feel the chill of their blood vicious mouths tearing me apart, with their cruel words. I could hear them laughing at me with their friends, talking about how socially awkward I was.
I could feel the rivers of salt water rushing from the ocean behind my eyes, to my cheeks. I couldn't stop them. The dam I had built to block the feelings of hurt and the tears of sorrow from coming out, just broke, shattered, ruptured. I ran to the bathroom, with the tears flying off my face like water off a duck’s back. As soon as I saw myself in the mirror I just wanted to let the hurricane go wild. I wiped all the tears off my face and took a deep breath and let out a sigh.
“ I am done with this, I need to forget everything they have said to me and about me and start over.”I told myself knowing that I could do it .

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this article was I thought that people should know how they made me feel and how i decided to over come there cruel words.

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