The Rock and Roll Arrest | Teen Ink

The Rock and Roll Arrest

March 16, 2014
By stick2u BRONZE, Hollister, California
stick2u BRONZE, Hollister, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Ready Benny?”

“Ready,” replied Benny, clutching his guitar.

“John, Gab, Sam?” asked Adrian.
“Ready bro” they replied in unison.

“Ok.” Smiled Adrian, “A one, a two, a one, two three four!” he screamed. The room was suddenly filled with music. It ricocheted off the walls of the one room shack, amplifying its catchy beat. Plaster from the roof drifted to floor like newly fallen snow, as the door and window vibrated to the beat.
We did it! Thought Benny as he played his guitar. After months of planning, hiding, and sneaking, they finally found a place to rock without having to worry about being caught.
When Benny was seven, music became illegal in the United States. Although, he never quite knew why. Something about music being “offensive,” but he never forgot the way music sounded and made him feel. Now, ten years later, he was in his very own band. He immersed himself in the music floating around him. He could hear Gab pounding away at the drums and John grooving along with him on the base guitar. Adrian belted out lyrics he had found in a deserted building earlier in the week.
“‘What I want, you’ve got.
And it might be hard to handle.
But like a flame the burns the candle.
The candle feeds the flame! Oh ya!’ ” Adrian sang and strutted around the room. He winked at an imaginary girl as if he was performing in front of an audience. Adrian twirled around, and then held out his microphone to his “audience” bowing his gelled head as they finished the verse. John’s tall skinny frame, bounced along mildly as he plucked gently on his guitar. Gab slammed his shaggy head around so much that it might fall off.
Were maniacs, Benny thought smiling to himself, but we rock!
Then there was Sam. He stood by the speaker in the corner grinning and tapping his foot. He doesn’t play any instruments but he loves music. He found the shack a week ago, when he got lost trying to find his new job.
“It was just there bro. Bam! In the middle of this grassy field.” He had told them.
When it was time for Benny’s solo he dropped to his knees and leaned back, letting his hands do all the work. He let out a wild howl as he gripped his guitar; fingers fluttering up and down the neck of the guitar. Suddenly the guitar was missing, and his sweaty palms grasped nothing but air. Adrian stood above him with the guitar under his arm.
“Hey! What gives?” Shouted Benny as he rose from his place on the floor. “Give her back!”
“Quiet stupid!” Adrian glared at him. Slowly Benny gazed around the room. Gab and John were crouched, ears pressed to the door, listening. Sam stood in his place by the corner, his face grim.
“Is it the coppers?” whispered Benny.
“I don’t know” replied Adrian.
“You know if it’s the coppers we’re dead right?”
“Okay okay! I was just-“
“Benny! I swear if you don’t shut up I’m-“A loud crash interrupted his sentence. Shattered glass splattered against the floor. Black bodies with white helmets poured through the window wielding brass batons. The coppers.
“Stay where you are!” one of them shouted. Benny looked around at his friends. Gab and John had their backs pressed against the door. Adrian stood frozen in place, terror plastered on his face. Benny’s heart lurched when he noticed his guitar slipping under his friend’s limp arm. Sam glanced at his friends remorsefully before saluting the officer that had spoken.

“General Smith,” he stated simply. General Smith glared at Sam then stepped forward. He looked to be about forty with a wiry white mustache that matched his helmet. Despite his age, his stance and grip on his baton was as strong as a twenty year old.

Benny felt his face flush with anger and his fingers balled into fists. He wanted to beat Sam senseless. He wanted to break his nose and turn his face into a pancake. He glared menacingly at Sam’s back, daring him to turn around so he could tackle him.
He couldn’t take it any longer. He threw himself forward with a yell of rage, but was stopped short. He saw a flash of metal as the captain’s baton swung and connected into his stomach. Benny grunted and fell to the floor clutching his gut. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. He saw the captain standing over him grinning.

Adrian suddenly came alive and bolted towards the door. John and Gab threw the door open for him, and then scuttled outside. Benny’s guitar clattered to the floor.

“No!” screamed Benny. He tried to scramble to his feet, but the captain placed the heel of his boot on his chest.

“Arrest them!” roared the captain. Dozens of coppers sprang out the door after the three boys. Benny squirmed under the Captain Smith’s boot, trying desperately to reach his guitar. The captain chuckled and dug his heel deeper in Benny’s chest. Benny tore his eyes from his guitar glanced around the room. His gaze fell on Sam standing behind the captain. He looked at Benny, his eyes were filled with sorrow and guilt. Benny glared at him, his face contorting with rage.

“You’ll regret this Sam!” he shouted “You will!” The door flew open and the coppers entered the room. Gab came first, handcuffed and escorted by three officers. One stood on each side of him gripping his arm, and one stood behind him with his baton at ready. Gab’s lip was split but he was relatively unharmed. Benny notice the officer behind Gab had a black eye, and he smiled to himself. Gab must have given them a handful. John followed between two officers. John glanced at Benny and nodded to him like it was any other day, and they were not about to be arrested. Adrian came last. His eye was swollen shut and mouth was bleeding profusely. The officers released Adrian and he slumped to the floor.

Captain Smith nodded to his remaining officers and they began advance towards Sam. Sam’s eyes widened and he stumble backwards into the wall.

“Wait!” he squeaked, “What about our deal?”

“Oh yes” smirked the captain. “Here.” He threw a wad of cash at Sam. “But you’re still under arrest.” One of the officers pulled out their baton and swung it behind Sam’s knees. He cried out as he fell to the floor. Another officer sprang over him and twisted his arm until the wad of money fell to the floor. The officer proceeded to twist Sam’s other arm and then hand cuff him.

Benny watched the captain grin as he watched Sam be arrested. The pressure on his chest lessened just the slightest bit.
If I’m going to do something, Benny thought quickly, I’ve got to do it now. Benny hooked his hands behind the heels of the captain’s shoes and swiftly pulled them out from under him. The captain fell to the ground with a loud thump. He rushed to his guitar and knelt by its side to examine it. He ran his fingers over the body of the guitar and swiftly plucked each string. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized it wasn’t damaged. Behind him he could hear the captain struggling to his feet. The other officers stood, unsure of what to do.
“Get him!” screamed the Captain. The officers instantly swarmed around Benny. Benny stood over his guitar and raised his fists.
“You want some of this?” he yelled “Come and get it!” He hoped from foot to foot and moved his fists like a boxer. “Let's go!” One of the officers swung his baton near his feet. Benny jumped out of the way, and then ducked as another officer aimed for his head. A baton smacked his lower back sending a current of pain through his body. Benny crumbled to the ground. He couldn’t feel his body. Stars buzzed around his head. Benny bit his lip as an officer stepped over him and wrenched his arms behind his back. He heard the click of the handcuffs as they slithered around his wrists. His vision was blurry. He felt as if he was seeing the world through a tunnel. He vaguely remembered the officers dragging him and his friends to the back of a white truck. He laid in the back of the truck where the officers has tossed him and faded in and out of consciousness.
Benny woke up and found himself propped him up against a cold stony wall. His whole body ached. He felt as if he had been run over by a car. He lifted his head, wincing at stiffness in his neck. He was in a dark cell with two bunk beds. A dirty toilet and a sink sat in the corner. Adrian lay on one of lower bunk beds staring at the bed above him. John sat facing the bars of the cell, looking out into a hallway. Gab lay on the bunk above Adrian picking at the stone wall with his finger.
“Where’s Sam?” croaked Benny. Adrian just shrugged his shoulders. Benny was silent for a moment then asked, “Did they bring my guitar?” No one answered. Benny sighed solemnly and closed his eyes. Then softly he sang,
“‘What I want, you’ve got.
And it might be hard to handle.
But like a flame the burns the candle.
The candle feeds the flame!’ “He stopped and looked around at his friends. Gab poked his head over the edge of the bunk bed and Benny winked at him. Gab grinned and began drumming his fingers against the metal bed frame.
“‘What I've got is full stock
Of thoughts and dreams that scatter’“ Benny continued to sing, but this time John joined. At the end of the verse they rolled on their backs howling with laughter.
“Come on Adrian!” smiled Benny “It’s your turn!” Adrian was silent and continued to stare at the bed above him.
“You guys have terrible voices” he said finally, turning his head so they could see him grin.
“Let's go bro” said Gab reaching down to poke Adrian. “Show us whose boss. “ Adrian opened his mouth and sang another line to the verse. Then on the last line he motioned for them the join him.
“‘You make my dreams come true!’ “ They all sang together. Then they laughed until tears poured down their faces.
“‘Well well, well, you, you make my dreams come true!’ “ A stranger’s voice suddenly rang through hallway.
“Hey buddy!” Benny called into the hallway, “You like this song?”
“Ya bro!” responded the stranger, “it rocks!” Benny turned and smiled at Adrian.
“John, Gab, Benny?” asked Adrian.
“Ready man” they answered in unison.
“A one, a two, a one, two, three, four!” Then Benny and his friends began to sing. There voices filled the room and floated down the hallway of the prison. One by one the voices of other prisoners joined their tune.
We rock, thought Benny as he sang, we really rock.

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