Tennaudiomynoall | Teen Ink


November 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Washington- A frightening disease is sweeping the nation called Teenaudiomynoall. If a teen has this disease then they will know everything about anything. The disease begins showing symptoms around age 13, progressing rapidly through the late teens to parenthood. A proud mother of one of the gifted children told me, “He can’t say anything wrong. Everything that comes out of his mouth is correct.” She was very impressed with his newly retained knowledge. That very gifted child told me, “The world isn’t very complex; you just need to stop and look around.”

Parents around the nation are waiting eagerly for their kids to become teenagers. They know when it happens, they won’t have to teach their kids anything. Lisa Smith told one of our reporters, “My daughter knows more than I could ever wish too. What is left to teach? I go to my daughter with all of my questions.” Lisa is a proud parent of a teenager that shows great potential.

People may ask if these teenagers retain all of the knowledge that comes with Teenaudiomynoall. Approximately 99.9% of teens that comes down with Teenaudiomynoall lose it when they become parents. All of the knowledge they once gained is gone in a blink of an eye. Another reason why parents look forward to having kids is to help them understand the world’s problems.

The first case of Teenaudiomynoall came to us back in the 1960’s. Arnold Smith was the first subject to this great disease. “The morning after my wife had a child, I couldn’t remember anything from before. Thank God I have a teenage nephew to help me get through!” expressed Arnold with excitement in his voice.


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