Eyes in Comparison | Teen Ink

Eyes in Comparison

April 14, 2014
By k8linnicole GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
k8linnicole GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has them you, me, animals, insects. The eyes come in colors, not one is exactly alike. The strands strung together, wrapped in thread of yarn. Each individual rich in color, with millions of pigments. They band together creating a muscle, the Iris. The Iris is like the shell of deceased sea urchin shell.
My dog, my dog do they see in the black and white? How do they perceive the world as we know it? Clouds of a sky block my dogs sight in spots scattered throughout the lens. What is the difference between a fatty substance and evaporated gas? Does he see spots or a sky? Like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, the world may never know.
With the color changing pigments that change upon light, there is a pit. Darker than dark the pit is blacker than black. There must be an ending piece to this puzzle; a print to solve the mystery. Is the pit endless, where does it end?
The pit is called a pupil, if you fall at a 90 degree angle you will hit the fovea. The reflector in the night. What you see, what you perceive is reflected here. An image is captured. Snap. Processed down the the optic nerve to the hypothalamus; where you can concur; what there is to be seen.

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