My Dads Hair | Teen Ink

My Dads Hair

April 14, 2014
By sam schultz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
sam schultz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I was younger I thought my dad had really unique hair. It’s nothing out of the ordinary but it always flicks up in the front. I never knew how it stayed up like that. There was no way it could be a lot of jell because its soft and dry, it doesn't look krusty and greasy.

When i was younger I would try and flatten it so it’d stop sticking up but nothing would happen. Til this day he still has that little poof at the front of his hair. My hair is boring. I wish I had something crazy going on like my dad does. It lays flat and has no funk to it. I’ve always tried to get it like my dads, by wearing hats, and even trying to jell it up but it never turned out the same.

Hair that my dad has is kind of magical. It just sticks up in the front with no support? How can that be? It’s very mysterious, and I wish my hair did that. In my family me and my brother have the boring hair. My moms hair seems like just typical girl hair but no one in my family has hair thats as strange but cool as my dads.

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