Life's Revival | Teen Ink

Life's Revival

May 21, 2014
By Queenofdragons6 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Queenofdragons6 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk across the barren desert, the hot sun beating down on my bare back. The desert is literally endless; the entire planet is like this. I'll occasionally come across a rock jutting out of the ground, but that's it.
There is no water.
There are no plants.
There are no animals. Not even bacteria.
I am completely alone.
I've forgotten who I am, how I got here, how long I've been here. I don't have the energy to remember. All I can do is keep walking.
During the day, it's so hot, I feel like I'm being cooked alive.
At night, it's so cold, I feel like I'm going to freeze solid.
My skin, stretched over my bones, is wrinkled and worn out. My muscles have all but wasted away. I don't know how I've managed to survive for so long, and I don't care.
Suddenly, my trembling four legs give out and I collapse to the ground. I've lost the energy to move.
I won't be buried. There are no sandstorms here. I will perpetually be exposed to the baking sun.
Days pass. I soon lose track of how many. I'm still lying on the ground. I would close my eyes, but I don't have eyelids.
My skin eventually loses its remaining moisture and becomes leathery. My eyes feel like they're burning but my vision stays clear.
Eventually I lose all perception of time. Day and night become hot light and cold darkness. Any lingering thoughts about my possible past completely fade away. I finally just stop caring.
I guess I could say I've resigned myself to this fate. Sure, I preferred being able to walk, but there's nothing I can do about it and I've long since accepted that this is my life now.
And I'm perfectly fine with it. After all, I know nothing else.

I think I end up lying there for longer than I've spent walking on this planet. However long I lie there, I end up forgetting what it's like being able to move. I end up forgetting a lot of things. I think my mind gave up trying to hold onto memories. After all, they're pointless now. I lie there and lie there, letting the heat and the cold take their toll on my body. I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore.

One day, though, something odd happens. For a few moments, I swear I can feel the ground shaking. That may not sound significant, but it's the first time I've ever felt anything like it.
For the rest of the day, I find myself paying close attention to everything I see, hear, and feel. By nightfall, though, I stop being so attentive. I'm not even sure what I was waiting for. What did think was gonna happen, that water was gonna start falling from the sky? If anything was going to change, it would've happened a long time ago.
Then I realize just how much I've been thinking ever since I felt that shaking. Guess I haven't completely accepted my fate after all.
The whole night, I find myself unable to stop thinking about water. I'm trying to remember what it is, what it looks like. I can almost feel my brain looking for memories I know I used to have. I don't remember anything about water, but I do remember more of my time here. It's odd, though; I feel like there's all this stuff I should know, but I just can't remember it.
Eventually, though, night ends, and I begin to see the sun's light on the horizon. I immediately realize that something's different, though; For starters, it's a lot dimmer than normal. After a while, it becomes very clear that something's obscuring the light and the heat. Unfortunately, I can't move my eyes and I'm stuck lying on my side, so I can't get a good view of the sky.
After a few hours, it's still quite dim, and it's only mildly warm. For some reason, I find myself...relieved that it's not baking hot.
Then something landed in my eye. It's some kind of liquid, and it relieved the burning sensation in my eye. Is this...water?
Another drop lands on my leg, then my torso, then I'm bombarded by water droplets. Relief washes over me as the water runs down my body, gradually soaking my skin. Suddenly I'm not so stiff and both my eyes stop hurting. I move one of my front limbs. It moves easily and with little effort. I decide to try something.

I roll onto my stomach and push my paws into the sand. With a bit of effort, I stand up. My limbs are a little shaky, but I'm standing. I look up at the cloudy sky, and I end up having to blink because of the water droplets landing in my eyes. My eyelids are back.
I walk forward. It feels so good to be able to move again. It's a lot easier than I remember. Within a few minutes, my joints completely loosen up.

The rain comes down harder, and I find myself wondering how this rain is going to affect the sand. After all, there's not really anything holding it in place. As I think about this, I jump off a short drop and into a developing river. The water's up to my ankles, and it's rising fairly quickly. A few minutes later, the water's up to my shoulders, and I'm starting to panic. Fortunately, I'm at the other side of the river by then and I'm able to climb out pretty easily.
An idea suddenly pops into my mind, and I turn around and look at my reflection in the water.
I don't recognize myself. Then again, I've never seen my face before. I look at my legs and see that I'm now covered in white fur. As I wonder at my transformation, I notice a splotch of color where I had stepped. Curious, I sniff it. It smells good.
When I turn around, I'm greeted to an amazing sight: plants. Lots of them. I walk forward, and plants trail behind me. Another idea pops into my head, and I begin to run. Grass, trees, flowers, and bushes spring up behind me, seeded by some unknown power within me.

A few minutes later, the rain begins to let up, and I turn around and view my handiwork. Behind me is a vast forest filled with life, the likes of which have never existed before in this solar system. I look up at the sky and see that it's now blue. As the breeze rushes past my face, I feel a twitch in my shoulders. I resume running.

I run past the rocks, I run along the beaches formed by the new oceans, I run on top of the cliffs, I run through the forests planted by my power, and I admire every moment of it. Euphoria runs through me and I embrace the feeling. I have absolutely no idea how I'm able to do this, but I'm perfectly fine with it. After all, I used to know nothing else.

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