Brenda Unleashes Her Inner Godess | Teen Ink

Brenda Unleashes Her Inner Godess

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

Brenda Unleashes her Inner Goddess

Brenda unpacked her last bag of clothes and shoved them away in her hot pink closet. She definitely needed to go out and buy more girl clothes, maybe some short skirts and sexy leggings would do the trick. She needed to pay a visit to Nordstrom, Macy’s, and Victoria’s Secrete. She walked over to her terrace embracing the slight warm breeze and admiring California’s palm trees that swayed like happiness. She was happy she moved to start a new life as a new person. She worried she would be judged for the paths she chose in her life. What if someone asked why she was thirty years old and unmarried? What if her doctor friends from back home tell her new friends at work? A warm breeze interrupted her anxious thoughts. After being fed up of the hot weather she decided to take her pink baseball tee shirt off so her body could cool off. Halfway through the process she froze like a picture. “…gawwdd,” she whispered to herself. Women don’t carry out such actions. Terrified that she almost just flashed the entire state of California from the tip of her enormous terrace, she raced inside mortified and shut the door behind her. She played some television to distract herself from unwanted thoughts that seemed as deep as the ocean. Her favorite show Trailer Park Boys was on but even that didn’t make her feel better, so she decided to sleep away her problems until later. The next morning she awoke with a more positive attitude. She could do this, she would learn. She’s always been a determined person no matter what turn her life took. It would just take some time and patience and she was ready for that. She decided to paint her nails purple and match her toes, because, well, toe polish and nail polish should always match. Brenda harshly judged girls who didn’t match their toe polish with their nail polish. That was a serious fashion disaster and needed to be addressed. She showered quickly and brushed her hair rather roughly. Of course she needs practice on that as well so all of her hair doesn’t fall out. She initially wanted to curl her brown waist length hair but decided not too after she burned her wrist with the curler. She rolled a rosy dress over her rather muscular arms and defined legs and slipped on some light pink flip-flops. She was ready to show her new body and mind set off to the people of California. The bright rays and palm trees greeted her along with another middle-aged woman. “Hey, cute dress!” what was Brenda supposed to say? What do normal girls say? Oh no she’s too new to this process.

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