Falling | Teen Ink


September 29, 2014
By Blacklily BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Blacklily BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     It’s getting colder every day.  The daylight hours are getting shorter, the nights longer.  All around me, the colors are changing.  The lucky ones become red or orange.  Some turn yellow.  The unlucky ones just turn brown.  Then they fall.  My friends and neighbors have started changing already.  A few have fallen.  Soon I will follow them. 
     The thought of falling scares me, but I have accepted that my death must happen for new life to be born.  I can feel my color changing over the days.  I hope it’s red.  If I do turn red, I will be beautiful when I fall. 
     The world could do with some beauty.  I look down at the earth beneath me.  It is beautiful, with all the colors of Autumn.  The green grass, brown soil, with red, orange and yellow scattered over it.  I will be there soon, and I will add to the beauty of the colors. 
     Wind blows around me.  I almost fall, but I manage to hold on.  I know I will fall soon.  I can’t hold on much longer.  The days are short now, and the nights are cold.  My color has changed completely.  I don’t know what it is now.  It is almost time.  Wind blows again.  My grip breaks and I am falling, falling, falling.

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