Balancing Act | Teen Ink

Balancing Act

November 18, 2014
By missreadalots BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
missreadalots BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself. Everybody else is already taken.

I walk to the edge of the forest, not really understanding why I'm here. I step into the dense woods, the scent of pine is strong, and it's like the aroma knocks me out of my daze. I look around and turn to head back, but It stops me.
"No. Keep going. This has to be done. Walk," It whispers in its snake like-voice.
The fog returns and I do as I am told.
By the time I resurface, I know I am where I am walking to. Panic seizes me, freezing the air in lungs. I know what It wants me to do, but I'm not ready.
"Stop that. Keep going. You know what you have to do. Do it. You deserve it. It has to be done," the voice demands. As I'm taken over once again, I catch the sound of crashing waves and am able to smell the sea salt. It takes over and I'm walking to what I know is the cliff, even though I can't see anything. My heart rate spikes as I get closer, closer, closer to the edge.
I am losing the battle between myself and It; I know I am. But still, I try. I am able to get control of my body once again and stop, just four feet from the edge of the cliff.
The sound of crashing waves is overpowering and roars in my ears, but I can hear the slithering demands of the voice as clearly as if It were right in front of me.
“What are you doing? Keep walking. You’re almost there. You can do it. You need to do it. Just a few more ste-”
“No!” I scream, covering my ears as if that will keep the voice away, but It keeps up his mantra. I try to move back, away from the edge, but it’s as if my feet are locked in cement.
“Help! Someone, please, help me!” I cry, over and over again, but the words fall on deaf ears. No one is coming. No one is going to save me. I am alone. Alone with It. I try my hardest, I swear to God, to get away, as far away, but I can’t.
My brain fogs over again, and I’m a zombie. I take a step. Three feet between the cliff and me.
Another step.
Two feet.
Another step.
One foot.
“NO!” My vision clears and I am in control. I am in control. I am so happy that I feel as though my face is going to split with my huge grin. I won. I won. No more voice, no more. I won. It will control me no more.
“Think again,” I hear as I’m pushed forward that remaining one foot and am plunged into darkness.

The author's comments:

Yet another short story assignment from my amazing awesome sauce english teacher.

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