It All Makes Sense Noq | Teen Ink

It All Makes Sense Noq

December 8, 2014
By IlleanaIrene BRONZE, STOCKTON CA, California
IlleanaIrene BRONZE, STOCKTON CA, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jen came home from school one evening excited knowing that her dad was going to buy her the shoes she always wanted. Jen rushed to her dad the second she got home.

“Dad, dad! Can we go now?” said Jen as she was jumping up and down while tugging on her dads’ shirt.

“Now Hun you know the rules, homework and of course your room. That thing is always such a disaster.” said Jens dad.

“Ugh okay.” said Jen. She then began to march to room with a look on her face as if someone were to take her last cookie. “Ugh I hate school, what is the point of it? Everything we are learning our phone already knows.” Jen then used her phone to google all the answers to her homework. “Boy that was easy. Everything is easy when you have a phone that can give you all the answers.” Jen said to herself. Then she began to clean her room. This would take Jen some time; her room was always quite messy. She was always distracted on her phone rather than cleaning and picking up after herself. She was finished in about an hour. Jen ran downstairs to her dad and said “Dad I am done can we go now?”

“Yes Hun, go open the garage door so I can back the car out.” answered her father.

“Okay dad.” answered Jen. She quickly rushed to the garage and opens the garage door. Her dad then backed out the car and off to the mall they went.

    It was about a five minute drive. They did not live to far from the mall. Of course when they moved in to the city they bought a house as close as they could to the mall, because of the fact the mall had everything they need for their phones. They pulled up to the parking a lot to find it filled with cars. They did not want to waste gas so they just used their phone to help find them an empty parking space. Yes that is right an empty parking space. Phones were so updated they could basically do anything anyone needed now days. When they finally parked they went straight to Shoe Palace; Jens favorite shoe store in the whole entire world. She was browsing the store to find the shoes she was dying for. “Dad, these are it!” yelled Jen across Shoe Palace.

“Okay Hun, go put them on the counter, I will be there in just a second to pay for them, just let me open up my bank account on my phone.” answered her dad. Jens dad then began to talk to himself under his breath. “Sad how now days you can’t pay for even a simple gallon of milk without a phone, our phones have everything now days; from our bank account information to our license. There is no way getting around without your phone, unless you are Homeless.”


Jens dad then pulled out his phone to access his bank account when suddenly he realized his phone was hijacked. Every little piece of information of him and family was gone. He tried to keep as calm as possible. But he just could not. He then hollered across the store. “Jen come on. We need to go now!” Both Jen and her dad then rushed out to the car. Her dad quickly drove to the nearest police station. As soon as they got there Jens dad rushed inside, and Jen waited in the car.

    “Police officer! I need your help! ASAP!” yelled Jens dad.

    “Yes? What is the problem sir?” replied the police officer.

    “My phone... it has been hacked. Every piece of information of me and my family…”

    “Now stop right there sir. I already know what you have to say. It is all gone I know. Here in the Police station we get all types of calls on incidents just like yours. But there is nothing in the world that we could do. All you people rely on your phones as if your life depended on it. All your information is put into a small electronic device, and the second it gets hacked, there is nothing that can be done about it, that is it, it is over for you and your family.” explained the police officer.

    “Officer, you make it seem as if we choose to put our life and soul on our phones. You can’t do or buy anything without your cellphone. They always ask us for our phones.” said Jens dad. The officer was quick to respond. “Now that is where you’re wrong sir. You guys just happen to obey their orders and not even ask a simple why. They do not need your phone that is just what they want you guys to believe.”

    “What do you mean sir?” replied Jens Dad. Then police officer then began to speak the truth.

“Well look around! Everyone’s phone knows information about themselves more than they even know themselves. This society is corrupt. We put our life and soul into these little devices that can be stolen or hijacked in any second. And do not forget about the kids! The kids are not learning anything in school now days! They use their little electronic devices to find the answer to any type of homework problem. Whether it is chemistry or geometry, it simply does not matter because theirs phones will have an answer to anything. And look at us adults; we were forced to believe that we cannot even buy a simple gallon of milk without our phones? As if they were credit cards? That is ridiculous! Our government is cold, very cold. That is exactly how they are able to access all of our information and screw us all over. We messed up long time ago when we decided to put so much time into our phones.”

    Jens dad then began to complete the puzzle inside his head. “It all makes sense now...” replied Jens dad. “Well thank you for your time officer; sorry to bother you, and even though that there was nothing that you could do about it, I am still glad I came because now I know the truth, the cold truth behind these phones and our government. It is more than sad to know that that is they treat us. You would think that they were they good people running our country. You would also think that our phones our blessing, it makes life so much easier; who were to think that they can be our worst enemy.”

           “It is no bother when someone comes in here or calls to complain about their phones being hijacked. That is my chance to slowly reveal the evil ways with their phones that they all provide to us. No one is safe in this society now days. And yes you are right, you would think they were the good ones; running our country and providing for us. Who were to ever believe that they were the ones messing with our minds with a device we thought was the best invention ever. A device that can answer all types of homework problem, a device that can take us to any address that we type in, a device that could do basically anything for us. Who were to believe that device would be the one thing that ruins our lives without three seconds? No one was ever to believe such horrible thing is something that seems so helpful, and only a few seemed to notice. Those are the people who are not distracted by all the cool features in a cell phone. Those are the smart people, quite but wise.” said the police officer.

            “You know what, come to think of it, it all makes sense. Why else would we have to keep all of our information on a small little device that can be stolen any second? Especially when we know the government knows that once it has been stolen or hijacked that there is absolutely nothing can be done. It would be nearly impossible to find the thief. How in the world would we ever find out the thief that hijacked or stole our phones? The government is crazy for having us put all of our information on something that is not secure. Who could be so cold and cruel?” said Jens dad. The police officer then began to chuckle a little bit.

“What is so funny?” said Jens dad with a confused look on his face.

“I mean do you really believe that you do not know who hijacked your phone? I mean why else would the government have us store all of our information on a small little device? It is them who hijack all our information. I mean without all that information we will not be able to work or provide for our families. We will then soon become homeless and then eventually starve to death, and one less family in the population is one less family the government has to work and impress. Just think about it.” answered the police officer.

“Come to think of that makes so much sense. Again, thank you for your time, I have to get going.” replied Jens dad.

“My pleasure, have a good evening.” said the police officer.

“You too.” replied Jens dad. He then walked out to the car to find Jen all up on her phone. The thought of what the police officer just told him put a look of disgust across his face and made him furious. He then opened the car door, took Jens phone and got rid of it. Jen was more than mad and began to cry. Her dad did not even care to explain the cause to all his actions. He just drove and drove, far from the city. He could not handle anything anymore, he was fed up with everything.

He drove all the way to his mothers house, way out in the country. The only place he believed could help him get back onto his feet. Jen had fell asleep in the car and was not able to realize where the were going. Coincidently she had woken up the second they pulled into her grandmothers drive way. She then began to rub her eyes with a confused look on her face.

"Dad what are doing here?" Jen asked. "We never come her, this is so far from home and there is no type of phone service here."

"That's exactly my point Hun. There's no better place than here, and besides there's not other place that we can go, we have no house we can call ours right now, we lost everything." Replied Jens dad.
They both got off from the car and went inside the house. Jens dad then explained everything while Jen was trying to turn a bad situation into something good. That was there house until further notice.

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