Cage of Fear | Teen Ink

Cage of Fear

January 15, 2015
By Anonymous

We sit and wait until the group of zebras approaches. It has been days since our last meal. A young zebra that has been separated from its group is the perfect victim. Our group slowly approaches the separated zebra until we are finally close enough. We attack. I jump on the poor creature’s back, while the rest of my clan dig their claws deep into its side. The squeal of the dying zebra is pure ecstasy. Within minutes, the zebra is completely limp and we begin to feast. The savory taste of blood and raw flesh is a much needed reward for the hard work that was put in to kill this creature. It is in moments like these where I am able to comprehend my true power. I thrive in smoldering heat and drought. I am queen of the Sahara, the one who determines life and death. The power that is within me is a gift from God. I was put on this earth to hunt and to kill and to maintain order across this great land.
As a zebra, my life is constantly lived in fear. Being attacked by a clan of lions is a possibility at any moment. Often times I become angry at my situation, I ask “Why me?” Why did I have to come into this world as a zebra, a weak, defenseless zebra. Trying to stop a lion’s attack is like trying to stop the wind; Mother Nature will always prevail. Why did God make me this way? Why would he put me on this earth if I was sent here to be eaten? I ask myself these questions every single day, and I can never think of an answer. The longer I live on this earth, the more I realize that my body was made so that others may eat me. I am trapped. Trapped from being able to live my life to the fullest. Trapped in an eternal cage, not made of metal, but of fear.
Fear is defined as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined.” In my case, the “impending danger” is the possibility of a lion ripping into my neck and eating my flesh. For the longest time I was scared of a possibility, a possibility that I could die at any moment. Not too long ago, I was able to see that my fear was completely irrational. Death is inevitable. I became aware that there is no sense in worrying about dying, whether it be tomorrow or in 20 years, because dying is an aspect of nature that is simply out of my control. The only thing that I can control is how I live my life.
I am free. I am a wild zebra. I am a perfectly engineered machine, designed to take on life. My body was not put on this earth to be eaten, my body was put on this earth so my soul could inhabit it and do as it pleases. My soul yearns to be a contributing member of my herd, which involves protecting those who I love. I wish to father offspring, run free with my young, and nurture them to full strength. Realizing my goals in life have gotten me to completely break all forms of barricade that I had been previously restrained by. I am not 770 pounds of dinner for a hungry clan of lions, I am 770 pounds of living, breathing zebra.
Fear is crippling. As seen with the zebra, fear had overcome its life. Once the zebra was able to get rid of his fear, he began to live his life in the way that he wanted. The lion had no fear and did not feel caged in any way. In life, we often have fears similar to the zebra that are simply out of our control. In the human world, we generally won’t be worried about a lion attacking us, but death in general, or factors that may cause death to come sooner than intended. Diseases, hurricanes, car crashes, and school shootings are all possible ways for us to die, but none of which are in our control. Like the zebra, we could be hit by a bus and killed tomorrow, or maybe we will live until 100, it is not up to us to decide. While we are living the short lives we have, we might as well live our lives to the fullest. Without fear. We must live our lives like a lion, or maybe like a confident zebra, either way you were put on this earth to do exactly what you want to do. Do not let fear get in your way.

The author's comments:

Life is about living it as you please. Nothing should stop you.

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xxmissmrinxx said...
on Jan. 20 2015 at 3:40 pm
I loved this, what a great read!