Chapter 1! | Teen Ink

Chapter 1!

February 10, 2015
By AmandaCool BRONZE, Longveiw, Oregon
AmandaCool BRONZE, Longveiw, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have one!

Chapter 1
 "Dad!" Yelled Jenny. What are you doing on my horse? Jenny’a dad had a playful spirit.

She knew he was teasing her AGAIN! Jenny loved her dad greatly he was the most trusted man
on the whole earth! Jenny lived with her mom and dad and her two younger brothers Caleb and Jack and her younger sister Hannah. They lived on a ranch in Kentucky. This ranch had been in the family for a long long time! Her great grandpa first built the ranch but when he could not take
care of the horses anymore he passed the ranch down all the way into Jenny’s Family!

Jenny had just gotten came home from a horse rodeo. She had went with her horse loving friends! Now Jenny wanted to grab her friends and horses and go for a long trail ride, through the grassy, windy, trail. But it looked like her dad wanted to ride her horse! Suddenly Jenny’s dad whirled around and took of cantering racing the wind. “Oh well.” Said Jenny she turned around and called her friends in to her room to read some horse stories.
Later that night Jenny was laying in bed and was sweating like crazy! She hopped up and threw on some jeans an flannel t shirt and a hoodie and ran to get her dad up “ Dad, Dad!” Jenny called “Wake up lets go for a ride in the moonlight!” “What, are you talking about?” Jenny rolled her eyes and smiled she jumped up on to the bed and said “ You know what I mean come on and get dressed I want to go for a moonlight ride!”
  Ten minutes later Jenny and her dad were cantering through the trail. After a long nights ride Jenny retired for the night and went to catch several more hours of sleep. “ Beep, Beep!” Jenny woke up “ Is it morning already?” She suddenly realized today she needed to start training for the rodeo! She quickly showered, dressed and put a baseball cap on and ran out to get breakfast and start training!
Chapter 2
“ Yah Jenny!” Yelled Jenny’s father. Jenny’s father had been a professional horse trainer for eight years before he meet his wife and then he decided to retire and become a police officer. Jenny’s Horse named Firefoot Jumped over the post. “Thud.” Jenny’s horse hit the ground. HARD! Firefoot crumpled to the ground. Thoughts ran through Jenny’s head. “Don’t die firefoot.” Jenny said. Jenny was just over the heart ache of losing her last horse who died from old, old age. Tears ran down Jenny’s face this could not be happing. This was ridiculous. The next thing she knew she was with the vet.
“Well.” Said the vet. “ It’s not as bad as you thought and he won't die.” “Yes.” Jenny cried tears streamed down her face. “The reason he tumbled to the ground was shock.” Said the vet. “But the bad news is that he won't be able to practice for the rodeo for another two weeks.” “No.” Said Jenny. “I cannot afford to lose that much time the competion is in two months.”  “Well” Said Jenny’s father. “ I just got and email and it says the competion will be delayed for two and a half weeks because to many riders horses have been injured.”
Chapter 3
Jenny lay in bed thinking that night about the past day. How firefoot had just sprained his foot not broke it or had to be put down. She knew she would have to quicken up her pace with firefoot if she wanted to win this contest. Slowly Jenny fell asleep dreaming about the announcer saying “Jenny Smith first place and the blue ribbon hanging on her horses saddle!”
Slowly firefoot became able to walk, trot, canter, and then jump and then he was totally normal. The two and a half week mark hit and then and the the heat was on. Firefoot and Jenny were practicing every day for hours. IT was the day before the contest  and firefoot was nailing his routine and doing everything right. But suddenly “Bam.” It sounded like a cacophony of noises. Jenny quickly hopped down from firefoot and stroked his face hoping he would not take off! But it was not enough firefoot tore through the grass and disappeared! Jenny screamed “NOOOOO firefoot come back.”

Jenny ran and threw on some boots and tore across the yard “firefoot.” Called Jenny. “Crack.” “What’s that shouted Jenny?” Suddenly firefoot came out of nowhere. “FIREFOOT!” Tears of Joy streamed down Jenny’s face! He was back!
After a long nights sleep Jenny woke up and suddenly thought the contest its today!! Jenny got ready and put on some jeans and an adorable blue and pink flannel shirt and grabbed a gray hoodie, and went to get some last minute practice!
Chapter 4
“Good boy.” firefoot was nailing the routine just like he had the day before and things were looking good. Now it was time to pack up and hit the rode to the rodeo!! An hour later Jenny and firefoot were entering the arena ready to face the crowd. They proudly strutted to the center of arena and suddenly cantered around five barrels and and cleared but knocked a barrel over but then galloped over to another pole grabbed a handkerchief hanging off of a pole cleared another seven barrels and came to a halt! Everyone applauded and the judge watched all the performances and then came to announcing. “ Every one did a wonderful job but not everyone can win. Said the announcer. ” The winners are First place Jenny Smith second Cameron Clark, third Kelly Skip!” “NO way I got first place!” Yelled Jenny! She trotted over to get her blue ribbon and went home! That night while laying in bed Jenny was so excited for her future with horses. That morning after Jenny had woken up and gotten ready she went down the stairs and everybody yelled “GOOD Job Jenny!” “Thank you all so much.” said Jenny! “It looks like my horse riding is gonna get evan better thanks to all my family, friends, and supporters and my good horse FireFOot
Authors Note
This is my first story so please tell me if you like it and if I should write more! If you have any pointers about how I can make my writing better please tell me!i am 7
Hope you enjoy it!!!

The author's comments:

I found out about a horse website and I really like it! I wrote a story for it but for some reason it shut down so I could not post the story.):):): Does anybody visit the site girls horse blog?

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This article has 4 comments.

on Feb. 28 2015 at 5:21 pm
AmandaCool BRONZE, Longveiw, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have one!

please tell me if you like it and some pointers

on Feb. 20 2015 at 2:53 pm
AmandaCool BRONZE, Longveiw, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have one!

Please let me know if you like it

on Feb. 19 2015 at 11:16 am
AmandaCool BRONZE, Longveiw, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have one!

Bye the way I am not 7 my siblings put that there!! Silly them!

on Feb. 18 2015 at 7:05 pm
AmandaCool BRONZE, Longveiw, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have one!

hope you guys like the story tell me if some pointers please!!!