The Phanton Father | Teen Ink

The Phanton Father

February 13, 2015
By TheseAreHerWords BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
TheseAreHerWords BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Give the world something to remember."

“Remember when I was young enough to fantasize about you. Young enough to think about the life I would’ve had if you were there. As I got older I couldn’t do that anymore, you left for a reason, right? No, excuse me; you can’t leave if you were never there. So you were always just some phantom, a figment of my imagination.  I’ve never actually even seen your face until today; I don’t plan on looking you in the face again until later.”  As I closed the door of his hospital room, Hector, Richard, Andrea, and Ignacio all stand up.
    “What happened? We all thought you would’ve killed him right then with that”, Ignacio says as he points to the pistol I have around my waist.
    “No, Ignacio. You all know the plan. Why would I blow it all right now? I’m so close to what I’ve always needed to do.”
    “Yeah”, Andrea says, “What kind of b------ asks for a kidney from the daughter he has never met, and most likely never had any intention of meeting you otherwise?” Something in the way Andrea said that made something snap in me.
    “Change of plans”, I barked and went back to his room. After a brief moment I hear them picking up their bags. Once I get to his room I slam the door shut, and pull out my pistol. His eyes are wide, he is listening, “You are going to pick up the phone and tell the nurse you’re going on a walk with your daughter and her friends, you know my name is Charlotte, they don’t. I gave them mom’s name. They won’t be able to trace me or you once you’re out of this room. Now, pick up the phone and say exactly what I say.” Once we’re out of his room we’re walking out into the garden, Ignacio and Andrea are pulling the get -away car around to gardens exit gates. Hector is walking with me and him. After a few long moments of silence Hector finally says something, “Char, you never actually told us his name.”
    “My name is Darwin Tate”, he replies.
    “The multi- millionaire, Darwin Tate?!”
    “Yes, Hector”, I say, “This poor excuse for a father let alone a decent human being, is the multi- millionaire.”
    “Let, me properly introduce myself sir, I’m Hector Gonzales, Charlotte’s boyfriend”, he smiles at me with his deep brown eyes. Hector and I have known each other for five years. He asked me out four and a half years ago.
    “Hector, I’m really sorry to ruin this great bonding moment you’re having with my sperm donor but, we now have to gag him and knock him out because you told him your full name.” With this Hector’s gorgeous smile turns into a deep mischievous grin, “Yes ma’am”, he says then tosses me the duct tape and pulls out a bat and says with an almost evil grin, “Night, night Mr. Millionaire.”

The author's comments:

This is a fiction piece I wrote a couple years back. It obviously isn't finishes, but I want to know what your thoughts on the piece are..

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