Highway | Teen Ink


March 13, 2015
By Ryan Willman BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Ryan Willman BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Cover me. I’m changing lanes,” said Matt as he gripped the steering wheel waiting for his friend, Joe, to give him the all clear.

It was early Sunday morning. Matt was driving a dark red,  1998 Toyota Camry borrowed from his parents for the day. Matt and Joe were headed to Chicago, taking the I-90 south. They had plans to go watch the Chicago Bears take on the Detroit Lions at noon.

Joe said, “All clear, but why can’t you use your mirrors ever?”

“Because I’m free from danger when someone is looking out for me,” Matt chuckled.

“What happens when there is no one in the car and you’re all alone?” Joe questioned.

Matt yelled, “I just pray for the best. It has been working my entire life. What are the point of mirrors in the first place...right?”

“If mirrors were pointless then why would we have them on our cars. It’s ignorant to think that way. So you’re telling me, you just change lanes when you feel like it, not checking to make sure you won’t hit someone?” Joe tested. Joe was baffled from hearing how Matt drives. He wondered, ‘how someone could not check their mirrors for 7 years of driving and on top of that, not crash into someone.’ It was straight up mind boggling.

“Whenever I changed lanes, I just go. I don’t think twice. I know cars will stomp on the brakes if I cut them off. The only time I know if it was a close call is when they honk and flick me off when driving by,” proclaimed Matt. Matt knew his driving was nothing like this but he wanted to impress his friend by looking ‘cool’.

“Alright, from now on, I will not look back to see if its all clear to change lanes,” smirked Joe. “We will have to see if you can live up to what you said.” After Joe spoke, he regretted what he had just said. He knew it was necessary to look when his buddy was changing lanes for survival. But Joe couldn’t look like a pansy in front of Matt.

“Whatever you say, Joe.” Matt knew this was a mistake because all he said was a lie. He always uses his mirrors when lane changing unless a friend is in the car with him. He doesn’t want to tell his buddy the truth.

Matt and Joe are extremely uncomfortable with the positions they put themselves in. What they believe in was far from the truth. They both wanted to look more daring in the eyes of the other.

“Matt… I want you to change lanes right now. Make it a to the right. I’m going to block the mirror so you will not be able to use it,” said Joe. He knew he can’t take back what he just said. Joe thought this would be the ultimate truth if Matt can successfully made a lane change.

“Are you sure? Why do I need to lane switch?” said Matt nervously. He knew ultimately that Joe would hold it against him if he didn’t make the lane switch. But he was hesitant to do it.

“Just do it you pansy!” Joe was beginning to get impatient because he wanted to get the lane switch over with. He just wanted to take back what he said earlier, but now he can’t let his friend down.

“Ok, calm down,” said Matt. “3...2…1”

When Matt said 1, Joe’s heart was about to fall out. His heart was beating like a drum during a rock concert. Matt began to sweat like a pig under his armpits. They didn’t know if the lane change will bring them out alive or dead. Matt and Joe were uncomfortable with the position they were in, but they didn’t want to admit it to each other in order not to be a fraud.

“I’m changing lanes to right!” yelled Matt.

Time froze for the both of them. They couldn’t believe what will about to happen or what they have gotten themselves into. Matt and Joe both knew it was a big mistake from the start but they didn’t want to admit it to each other in fear of losing respect.

“I told you I can do it! Why wouldn’t you believe me from the start? I do this all the time,” said Matt.

Joe looked back to see if there were any cars near. “The nearest car is a mile away. Anyone can do that with no cars in the lane next to them.”

“Whatever,” said Matt.

“I want you to speed up and make a lane change in the middle of the car pack ahead. If you don’t you well be a loser” said Joe. He knew these words coming out could possibly end up being a mistake. Joe didn’t care anymore because he assumed Matt wouldn’t listen to what he said.

Within seconds Matt slammed on the accelerator to catch up with the pack. Joe believed Matt was just doing this to look cool.

Matt made it to the middle and started to steer right. Within seconds the car started to spin out.

The author's comments:

Flash Fiction inspired by creative writing class.

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