The Woods | Teen Ink

The Woods

March 17, 2015
By KyleLanes BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
KyleLanes BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love lamp"

“Are you sure this is the right direction” I asked nervously. There had been rumors about a man living deep in the woods in a self-made shelter. “How do we know this guy isn’t dangerous?”
“Quit being a pansy” Jared teased. He had been my best friend since second grade and never before had he talked to me like that. Since eighth grade started he started acting differently; more violent and disturbed. “Of course this is the right direction. We just have to cross the creek and walk a little further.
“Wait up, guys! My legs are getting tired” complained RJ. Overweight and constantly searching for his inhaler, RJ didn’t get out much and when he did, it was a burden to watch after him.
“RJ, I will kick your a** if you don’t hurry up” threatened Jared. He was never afraid to curse unlike RJ and I. His favorite words were pansy, a**, and b****, and he never ceased to use them. “Now come on and catch up you b****.” I had had enough of him.
“Jared, you need to stop. He can’t control the fact that he’s fat. No offense, RJ. Sometimes you go too far and it isn’t cool. Apologize to him.”
“Whatever,” said Jared, wanting to find the mysterious shelter. “I’m sorry man. Let’s just keep moving.” They walked for a few more minutes when they came upon an opening that led to a clearing inside the dense forest. Near the center stood an old, abandoned looking hut made out of logs, rope, and palm frond roofing. “Woah…” Jared muttered under his breath.
“It actually exists?” questioned RJ, who had finally caught up.
“Shhhh…do you guys hear that?” I heard something rustling around on the other side of the clearing. “Get down” I whispered to my friends. “Look, over there.”
There stood a tall, dark figure who had his hands covered in blood, dragging the carcass of a deer behind him. SNAP! RJ had stepped on a twig and it made a loud cracking sound. The large person looked over, but decided it had probably been a rabbit or something small, and retreated into his home.
“RJ you dumba**” Jared silently yelled, “You could’ve gotten us killed. Did you see the size of that guy? He had to have at least been seven feet tall.”
I could see it in his eyes, the way they always looked when Jared came up with a stupid idea. He was gone before I could stop him, sneaking up to the hut.
“Jared, stop right now!” I whispered. But there was no chance that I could stop him now. He was already within thirty feet of the hut. “Wait right here RJ, I’m going to get him.”
“B-b-but what if he’s not alone? What if there are others with him in the woods and they find me and-“
“Enough, dude. You’re overthinking this. Now I’ll be right back. And Jared was right, you need to stop being a pansy.” I started going after Jared when I felt someone breathing against the back of my neck. I spun around and saw that RJ had followed me into the clearing. “What in the Hell, RJ? I told you to stay there!”
“But you told me to stop being a p-pansy, so here I am.”
“Whatever, just stay close and be careful.” We found Jared peeking into a small hole in one of the walls. “Damnit, Jared.” I whispered. “What’s your problem?”
“I want proof.” He quickly responded.
“Proof? What do you mean? Proof of what?”
“That we’ve been here” he said, pointing at a small, rusty crowbar hanging on a wall of tools. “I’m gonna take it and show everyone that this place actually does exist. It’ll be easy.”
The front door of the hut swung open with force and the man appeared. He looked as if he were looking for something, someone. He started towards the woods and disappeared past the tree line.
“Now!” Jared whispered, ceasing the opportunity. He slipped in and out as if it were nothing. “See, just like I told you. Easy.”
“G-g-guys” stammered RJ. “We need to go, now.” He said, taking off into the woods.
“What are you talking abo-.” And then I saw him, staring right at us with a confused expression. I grabbed Jared and we shot off towards the woods, screaming and panting. There were muffled sounds coming from behind, but it didn’t slow us down at all. We didn’t stop until we had reached our bikes where we left them at the edge of the road. RJ appeared moments later with no sign of the man.
The ride home was victorious, for we had been to the mysterious shed and survived, with proof as well.
“I can’t wait to tell Douglas and Michael about this tomorrow. They’re gonna be so jealous!” claimed Jared.
“Ohhhh no, my jeans are all dirty” cried RJ. “My mom’s gonna be so pissed off. I’ll see you guys later, I’m probably gonna be grounded, but it was fun. Thanks, Max, for giving me the courage to truly man up.”
“No problem” I said. “What’re friends for?”

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