New World | Teen Ink

New World

March 29, 2015
By Miss-Spaghetti BRONZE, Modesto, California
Miss-Spaghetti BRONZE, Modesto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Outside of a book, a dog is a man&#039;s best friend, Inside, it&#039;s too hard to read.&quot;<br /> -Groucho Marx

  Maybe she would build an empire. Yea...that's what she would do. There was no way to break Thea Nicolini. Everyone said the same thing: Stop doodling, socialize with other girls. Todd and Alex can't be your best friends forever. You're out of the loop.

        Thea liked being out of the loop. She didn't like the other girls. Todd and Alex were the only people worthy of being her kings. Yes, King Todd, Queen Thea, and King Alex. They would rule over the world. But not all the basic girls and bros, another world. One with dancing animals, carnies with wide eyes and wild smiles, and stars that curtsied and laughed. Everyone would enjoy music. Violinists, clarinetists, cellists, trumpeters, flutists, and a flood of percussionists to keep their heartbeats going.

        And in the new world, theater was to replace the cinema, and the city would be a forest. Not a concrete block with lights on it, would be palaces and marketplaces woven with trees, vines, and wild flowers. Every night everyone would feast and dance around the bonfire. There everyone would set fire to the universe. The sky would fill up with bright eyes, and every face with bright stars.

        Yes, Thea thought. There she could wear what she wanted to, say what she wanted to, and be what she wanted to. No nations. Only one worldwide tribe with a white flag. And on that flag, there would be the symbol for them all. It would be a hand with a mallet, like the ones for a timpani, because they would set the beat.

        Thea snapped back out of it. The sun was going down, everyone in the park was leaving. Parents and kids on bikes, clans of friends. She looked down and saw her height. perfect for a queen. The wind was picking up and strands of black hair hit Thea's face. She was ready for a new world. Now was dinnertime, and it was her turn to wash the dishes.

        Thea put her roller-skates and headed home. She turned to see the setting sun, saying goodbye to this old world that seemed to be everlasting, but Thea knew. She knew that new world was coming and it was up to her. Thea smiled and packed her dreams in her satchel as she rolled her way down sidewalks, weaving through trees and people. The new world was coming..but for now she had to set the table.

The author's comments:

Thea's a dreamer. But she knows dreams come true, for now she can only muse.

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