My Treasure | Teen Ink

My Treasure

April 13, 2015
By McMuffin9 BRONZE, Branson, Missouri
McMuffin9 BRONZE, Branson, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My bedroom door was left slightly open allowing my father's booming voice to travel from his study down the hall and dance around my room. I pried my heavy eyes open and reluctantly sat up a bit agitated. What was the point of taking an afternoon nap if nobody was going to respect it? I glanced down as Eloise's yellow and brown mixed shell began to fidget, she slowly peeked her head out and began searching the room for the owner of the voice. I chuckled at the confusion of her bobbing head, my bed squeaked as I slide off of it and onto my smooth dark wooden floor. My knees popped as I rested my weight on them, I stretched my left arm out and gently ran my finger over her scaly head. I arched my back forward and rested on my forearms, leaning in close to Eloise.
"You should surly be used to father's boisterous tone by now." I sighed as she nudged her head into my button nose. I let out a small yelp as I tried to straighten back up but yanked on my long red hair trapped under my forearm. I glanced at the light blue clock on my wall as I rubbed my throbbing head.
"Oo it's time for apple juice Eloise! The kitchen staff would have just finished making it!" I shouted scooping her up and jumping to my feet. The heels of my shoes clicked on the stone floor as I hurried down the hall, Eloise's legs squirmed against my chest. I halted in front of my father's study his door was left ajar. I squeezed Eloise's hard body into my chest with my right arm as I slightly pushed his large oak door open with my left. I squished my face in between the opening and peered at my father sitting at his large mahogany desk his forehead rested in the palm of his hand; his eyes were tightly closed in concentration emphasizing the deep wrinkles in the corner. His thick eyebrows furrowed with displeasure as his deep green tunic rustled together whenever he moved slightly.
"Amy?" My head knocked into the door as I reacted to the sound of my mother's voice. I sheepishly turned to face her as she leaned toward me and wrapped her pale fingers around the bronze knob and pulled it shut.
"What are you doing?" She demanded, her thin eyebrows arched in wait for my response. Her dress matched my father's outfit and rustled together as she crossed her arms.
"Is dad alright? I've never seen him so distressed and quiet before." My mother's face softened at my concern, her light blue eyes glanced at the wooden door and then to my concerned face.
"It is very stressful to be the King of Elspeth." I stared at her waiting for her to elaborate but that was all she had to say about the subject. "Isn't it time for your apple juice?" she questioned. I nodded my head in response.
"Well go on then." She waved her arms at me in a shooing motion. "You wait all day for this now hurry up." she smiled at me as I turned to carry on, before I rounded the corner I glanced back to see her slumped up against the wall, her long sleeves bunched around her elbows as she rested her hands on top of her neatly braided updo, her fingers intertwined.

"Miss Amelia I was wondering when you and Eloise were going to make an appearance down here." Our head kitchen servant, Letitia, welcomed me as she as she set a tall glass of freshly made apple juice on the oak table in the kitchen nook. I set Eloise on the table before taking a seat.
"Miss Amelia how many times do I have to tell you to please refrain from placing her on the table?" Letitia chastised me as she ran her fingers through her ash grey hair messing up her tightly wrapped bun.
"Sorry Letty." I apologized; I whispered an apology to Eloise as I placed her on the floor.
            "Now she can drink her juice on the floor where reptiles belong." Letitia declared while she bent down to place a small glass bowl in front of my disheartened turtle.
           "Any word on when The Duke of Weatherly's family is returning?" She asked smiling down at me as I sipped the crisp juice.
           "Clarence told me they were only going to be gone for two weeks, so any day now." My voice was muffled as I spoke into my glass.          
           "It's a beautiful day out Miss Amelia you ought to take Eloise out to the court yard and enjoy the fresh spring air." She squeezed my shoulder as she pulled the empty glass out of my grasp and set it in the sink along with Eloise's bowl.
             "If I must." I sighed raising myself out of my seat.
              "Oh dear child!" Letitia cried her hazel eyes scanning my wrinkled dress, I groaned as she repeatedly smoothed her aged hands over my purple dress and straightened the blue bow across my waist.
             "I must say for royalty you are a mess." She shook her head while running her boney fingers through my hair.
"Thanks Letty." I grumbled as I shoved Eloise against my chest before departing through the kitchen door.

*  *  *
The warm spring air beat against my exposed skin as I twirled around the courtyard, my dress flowing out around me. Eloise stayed in the shade under the Weeping Willows and watched the charcoal colored rabbits as they hopped through the tall grass. The wind carried my voice as I sang.
"Lush fields with dew droplets soaking my legs,
canopy covered trees.
Chirping birds high in the sky,
scampering deer an--"
I stopped twirling as a familiar deep voice took over the rest of my song.         
"And slow moving turtles.
Gentle winds and dancing flowers surround me."
My heart fluttered as he stepped out from behind the large marble fountain a few feet away. His thin pale lips curved into a smile as he walked towards me, the heel of his black riding boots clomped on the coble walk way.
            "I see your singing voice has improved." I teased, his forest green eyes glared down at me unamused.
             "Princess," he greeted, I could see the specks of water that the fountain had sprayed onto the back of his white tucked in shirt as he bowed.
"Clarence stop that's so embarrassing." I placed the palm of my hands on his broad shoulders and pushed him up.
"What are you doing out here alone?" he asked, he ran his graphite stained fingers through his short brown hair as he eyed the vacant area around me for guards.
"Clarence you know better than to insinuate that I need protection; besides I'm not alone the Duke of Weatherly's son is stalking me apparently." He rolled his eyes at my acquisition and placed his leather bound sketch book into the satchel hanging from his left shoulder. 
            "I am not stalking you, you are fully aware of the fact that I come here every Sunday to draw the birds." he bent down and leaned his face close to mine.
            "It appears, princess," He whispered, his minty breath burned my nasal passages from the mint leaves he was addicted to chewing on, "that you are the one stalking me." he leaned back up his dark eyebrows lifted in an accusing manner as he stared down at me. I scoffed and turned my face to hide the rush of blood in my freckled cheeks. 
"I missed you" he confessed drawing my attention back to him.
"How was Lilias? I hear it’s beautiful this time of year." His soft expression hardened the smile tugging at his light lips disappeared.
"It's lovely there the air is very crisp." He stared past me, his voice was flat and detached. "The royal family was considerably warm and welcoming, they had a lot of cats though."
"Will you be going back anytime soon?" my fingers tugged at my silk bow.
"My father hasn't said, my mother loves it there but I'm just happy to be back in Elspeth. I missed this royal family." He winked at me. I threw my body into his chest. I could feel his muscles tighten from the unexpected contact his hand hovered on my back.
"I missed you too." I mumbled into his lilac scented chest before pulling away.
"Are you going to the Spring Festival this evening?" He inquired, his left hand rubbed at the back of his neck.
"I go every year." I reminded him.
"Yeah-no I know that, I was just wondering if you wanted to attend with me this year?" there was an unfamiliar air to his voice as he spoke.
"Clarence are you--?" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
"Your parents aren't going to let you go alone so I might as well be the one to volunteer to watch over you." His body straightened as he fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt. His words cut me like a shard of glass.
"Right, well of course, that makes sense." I replied while chewing on my bottom lip.
"Where's Eloise?" Clarence asked surveying the ground by my feet.
     "She's right--" I stopped, noticing the turtle free ground around us. "I LOST HER! CLARENCE I LOST ELOISE!" I screamed shaking him furiously.
"Amy calm down, she's a turtle she couldn't have gone that far."
"You don't understand I've had her for twelve years and this is the first time I've lost her!' I dropped to my knees and frantically searched the grass.
"She's probably still where you left her last." Clarence suggested. I shot up collecting globs of my dress in my hands and sprinted towards the entrance. The front of my shoe caught on something hard, I was still mid run when I began to realize that the sky was becoming more green by the second. Tears began to stream down my face as soon as my nose smacked into the ground. Dirt clogged my nostrils as I inhaled loudly.
"Amy?" Clarence called out to me as he jogged over.
"What hurts?" he asked rolling me over, brushing the strands of hair that clung to my wet cheeks away.
"Is it bent?" I blubbered.
"Is what bent?" He asked, a sense of urgency in his tone.
“My nose is it crooked?" I asked looking up at his blurry face.
"No," he chuckled, "It's perfect." he reassured me as he helped me up.
"Here fix your face." he told me pulling a white handkerchief out of his pants pocket and handing it to me.
"You're such a gentleman." I muttered wiping my face.
“Well there's your assailant." he gestured to the curious turtle sticking her head in my abandoned shoe.
“Eloise!" I cried shoving the damp handkerchief into Clarence's open hand. I dropped to my knees and snatched her up hugging her tightly against my chest.
“I was so worried about you, don't you ever do that again." I scolded her in my fierce baby voice.
"You are something else, you know that?" He laughed rolling his eyes.
*  *  *
My mom sat in the ruby wingback reading, her glasses rested on the tip of her slender nose as her crystal blue eyes skimmed the pages of her book. Her red hair hung in ringlets around her face.
"You've been gone a while?" She closed her book and placed her glasses on top of it.
"I went to the courtyard," I responded throwing myself and Eloise down onto the ivory embroidered couch next to her. “Clarence and his family are back from Lilias.”
“I bet you were thrilled to see him again.” She eyed me with a knowing smile curling towards her light eyes.
“We are just friends.” I spoke into the golden stitched throw pillow hiding my embarrassment.
“Sweetie please don’t do that you’re getting dirt all over your grandmother’s pillows.” She scolded me. “In fact why are you so dirty?” she yanked the pillow out from under me and started brushing off the nonexistent dirt.
“I fell.” I answered sitting up, I reached over to catch Eloise just before she toppled off, and placed her on my lap.
“It looks like we’re going to have to start your etiquette lessons back up.” My mom threatened rolling her eyes at the sight of the grass stains on my dress. I groaned at the mere thought of having to walk in heels with a book on my head again.
“Is dad still in his study?” I asked eyeing the time on the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.
“Yes.” My mother replied her mouth taut as she bent and unbent the arms of her glasses.
“Is everything alright? You two have been acting differently for the last couple months.” I chewed on my bottom lip and traced my finger along the grooves in Eloise’s shell.
“Everything is fine sweetie.” My mom’s voice was tight and high-pitched, her weird way of trying to comfort me.
“Mom I’m eighteen I’m not a child anymore, you don’t have to hide things from me.”
“Sweetie you just turned eighteen a few days ago.” She chuckled eyeing me amusingly.
“That’s beside the point!” I yelled defensively.
“There have been some threatening rumors about your uncle’s kingdom in Italy.” She sighed leaning her head back.
“Is Uncle Thomas okay?” The words came out fast with worry as I jumped to the edge of the couch.
“He’s fine, there just simply rumors that your father is far too upset about.” She waved away my concern and began wiping the pillow again. The ticking from the grandfather clock echoed in my ears as we sat in silence for several minutes.
“Isn’t our kingdom having a Spring Festival tonight?” My mom asked breaking the silence. “It is isn’t it? That means I have to give the staff the night off.” She groaned.
“Yeah, Clarence volunteered to escort me to it.” Her face lit up as I spoke, her tight pursed lips softened into a smile.
“Did he now?” she rested her chin on the knuckles of her right hand and continued to smile at me. “You better start getting ready.”
“Why I have two hours?” I questioned glancing at the clock.
“Yes, but you look like a lowly servant and you are not leaving this house until you look like the princess you are.” Her voice was stern as she clapped her hands together three times until a mousy looking servant entered the room. 
“Your majesty,” Her voice was high and sharp as she greeted my mom curtseying.
“Gwenore, I need you to take my dear child Amelia and scrub every speck of dirt off her skin until it’s porcelain white again; then I need you to dress her and gussy her up for this evening.” My mother instructed, she glared at me until Eloise and I sluggishly got off the couch and followed Gwenore.
I choked on bubbles as they floated out of the tub and around the room, Eloise snapped at them as they fell. I winced when her nails dug into my scalp as she shampooed my matted hair. Water clogged my ears and burned my eyes when she poured it over my head to get the soap out. She wrapped her fingers around my wrist and held my arm out of the water as she scrubbed a lathered sponge on my skin.
“Oww!” I yelled yanking my arm away, “Do remember I am covered in freckles not just dirt.” I held my burning arm to my chest glaring at her as she mumbled an apology. She motioned for three other servants to join us.  Two wrapped me in a towel as Gwenore helped me out of the tub, a crown of bubbles rested on top of her loosely braided blonde hair. The other one with short brown hair followed behind drying my hair. They ushered me behind a screen divider and yanked the towel away, I gasped as the cold air touched my damp skin.
“Arms up!” one of the servants with black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and a small mole by her full lips demanded. Gwenore and the mole girl pulled a cobalt blue capped sleeved dress over me. They lead me as a group over to the vanity on the other side of the bathroom. The girl with short hair pushed me down onto the circular cushioned seat and began brushing my hair. Gwenore pulled the skin under me right eye down and ran a black stick across my eyelid while the mole girl swept a small curved brush through my left eye lashes. The other servant girl slipped short blue diamond heels on my feet. I watched in the mirror, through the small space in between Gwenore and the mole girls heads, as the short haired girl concentrated on braiding my hair. Her tongue stuck out a little as her fingers pulled at my hair. She held out her hand and the other servant girl placed two silk blue ribbons in it. She only used one to tie into a bow at the bottom of my finished braid, she draped it over my right shoulder.
“Could you tie the extra ribbon in a bow around Eloise’s shell?” I requested to the other servant girl as she reached to take the ribbon from the short haired one.
“Finished.” Gwenore breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped back to admire her work. Short haired servant helped me stand while mole girl straightened the bottom of my dress. The diamond encrusted torso glittered every time the light hit it. The other servant girl placed an elegantly tied Eloise in my arms.
I could hear my father’s hearty laugh and mother’s cackle echoing from the family room as I walked down the stairs, I could make out the muffled sound of Clarence’s light voice. He was waiting for me in the family room with my parents. His light brown hair was slicked back, he was dressed in a navy blue and gold suit coat with tails and white pants. His green eyes stared amusingly at the bow on Eloise’s shell.
“Amy you look breath taking.” My father smiled cupping his hands around my face and kissed my forehead.
“You are so pretty.” My mother complimented running her fingers down my jaw line and smoothing my braid.
“You look nice princess, but just not as good as Eloise she definitely has you beat.” Clarence joked as he tightened Eloise’s bow. My father laughed and my mother rolled her eyes smiling at me.
“Must you bring her?” My mother asked her face pleading me not to.
“I gussied her up just to please you.” I held Eloise out in front of my mother’s face she chuckled when Eloise bumped her head into her nose.
“You can’t argue with that.” My father stated wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Clarence bowed and I kissed them both on the cheek before leaving for the festival.
*  *  *
The town square was packed with people dancing and selling food, children would hold hands while running in between the hordes of people making a game out of it. The people would stop their merrymaking just long enough to bow and greet Clarence and I, the children enjoyed coming up and complimenting Eloise. Clarence lifted her out of my arms and placed her in the large marble fountain in the center of the square.
“Let’s dance.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the mass of dancing villagers.
“No, Clarence I don’t like dancing.” I said trying to back away but the dancing bodies blocked my way.
“Nonsense princess, I watch you dance all the time.” He smiled grabbing my right hand and placing his left hand on the middle of my back, pushing me into him. “It’ll be fun.” He whispered his hot breath on my neck made my skin tighten. His body flowed with the music as he effortlessly guided me around the other dancers. My feet fumbled on the cobble ground before Clarence lifted me up and spun me, my dress flowing out around us.  He dragged me all across the square twirling and spinning me in circles. As the song was coming to an end I glanced up at him a mischievous grin stretched across his face. I could feel my face tightening in concern as Clarence pulled my right leg out causing my left leg to give out. I screamed and clawed at the air as I began a fast descend backwards to the stone ground. Clarence laughed as my body hit his waiting arm and he guided me back up just as the music ended. Clarence bowed as everyone applauded I stood beside him clutching my chest as it pounded, worried that it would tear the torso of my tight dress.
“Do you want food?” He asked glancing over the dispersing people for a food stand.
“What was that?” I demanded annoyed
“I said do you want food?” he shouted slowly and patted my head.
“You are so—”
“Ooo cotton candy!” he yelled cutting me off, his eyes widened with excitement and he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the cotton candy stand.
“Blue or pink?” he asked me before addressing the vendor.
“Pink.” I said pointing to the one I wanted, the vendor handed it to me as Clarence dug around in his pocket for some shillings.
“No charge.” His voice was gruff was he waved his hand dismissively at Clarence.
“No I insist.” Clarence said as he placed five gold shillings down on the vendors counter and walked away. We sat on the edge of the fountain, Clarence held the cotton candy out in between us. He tore off chunks and shoved them in his mouth, while I ripped off small pieces and let it melt in my tongue. I smiled as Eloise swam in circles around the fountain her bow drooping from the water. Clarence’s fingertips brushed the knuckles of my outstretched hand.
“Amelia,” his rough voice was soft as he spoke my name I stared at him waiting for him to continue. “You look beautiful.” He spoke each word slowly as he leaned into me. I closed my eyes I could feel his warm sweet breath on my sugar covered lips as I awaited a kiss that wouldn’t come.
“Amy, I have to tell you something.” I opened my eyes just as he pulled back.
“What?” I asked uneasy.
“I’m to be engaged to the royal daughter of Lilias.” He spoke fast, a verbal way of ripping off a Band-Aid I guess.
“You’re what?” I screamed jumping to my feet and stepping away from him.
“It hasn’t happened yet and believe me, Amy, I don’t want it too, but you know my father, you can’t exactly tell him no.” he reached for me but I swatted his hand away.
“I have to go.” I clawed my way through the people my face burned as tears collected, I kicked off my shoes and tried to outrun my tears.
My feet burned as I walked through my palace gates, they creaked as the wind blew them back and forth. I smeared the tears away with the back of my hand before shoving the large brass doors open. The one door caught on something so I squeezed through the opening. I tripped on our knocked over wooden entrance table. My despair was quickly replaced with fear, every sound I made echoed through the breathless halls. I walked unsure of where I was heading until I was in front of my father’s study. My fingers traced the long freshly made gashes in the wooden door, my heart beat in my throat as I pushed it open. His office was a disaster his desk was knocked backwards, papers littered the floor. My steps made a crinkle  sound as the papers stuck to my feet. My mouth trembled when I spotted an outstretched hand lying behind the desk. I dropped to my knees unable to produce any sound as I laid eyes on my father’s lifeless body, his upper abdomen soaked in blood. My body shook with soundless cries as warm tears rolled down my eyes. I clasped his fallen hand between my trembling ones.
My body shot up, dropping my father’s hand, in reaction to a shrill scream upstairs. I moved in a haze as I ran to the stairs my chest heaving as I continued to cry. My foot caught in my dress as I ran up the steps, my nails clawed desperately up the rest of the stairs. I scrambled to my feet my legs bounced as I tried to decide where to go. My head snapped to the right as another scream escaped from the darkness. I ran towards the library slamming my body into the closed doors. I stumbled in after bursting them open I hesitated an arm’s length away from a man. His ebony eyes paralyzed me as they studied my body, the thick smell of copper flooded my nose. The corners of his mouth twitched as he watched my gaze drop to the body on the ground behind him. My mother lay motionless at his feet her emerald dress was torn and stained scarlet. The matted strands of her hair were strewn across her face, covering it. I could feel myself slipping away, going into shock. My system shutting down unable to comprehend what was happening. Sounds heightened as my mind slowed everything around me in an attempt to process. The plop of blood dripping off the man’s sword collecting in a small puddle by his leather boots pounded in my head. It wasn’t until I heard the rustling of his fake guard uniform and squeaking of his shoes that I realized he was moving towards me.
“Tesoro.” He whispered in a thick Italian accent as he reached a white gloved hand out in an attempt to touch my face. A scream ripped through my body, the man flinched and pulled back. I didn’t hesitate as I fled from the room and down the stairs. I jumped over the fallen bust of my great grandfather and tried to shove the table in the entrance far enough from the door so I could escape.
The night air burned as it entered my lungs, my shoulders scrapped against budding tree branches as I fumbled through the woods. My chest ached as I tried to slow my breathing, I cupped my hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds.
“Tesoro, where are you?” his Italian voice sang out. I c***ed my head behind me in a vain attempt to decipher any shape coming towards me. I screamed as my body smacked into a man’s chest. His sweaty hands grasped my shoulders to steady my stumbling body. I screamed and violently flung my arms at him, beating my fists against his chest.
“Amy stop! What’s wrong with you?” Clarence’s voice broke through my haze, my hands rested on his chest. 
“Run! We have to Run!” I grabbed for his arm as I heard twigs breaking not that far from us.
“Why? Amy tell me what’s going on?” Clarence demanded his warm hands firmly placed on my shaking shoulders.
“Clarence please.” I pleaded, my legs burned with the urgency to flee.
“Il mio Tesoro!” he was getting closer.
“Who is that?” Clarence asked looking behind me, his jaw tightened.
“A monster.” I cried, he dropped his fingers from my shoulders as he eyed my terrified face. He tightly clasped my wrist and yanked my arm as he changed direction. I could feel pieces of wood embedding in my feet as we ran. Clarence ran awkwardly since he wasn’t using his arms, his left one was dragging me while his right one cradled his satchel.
I could hear the bubbling sound of a creek as my toes squished in the moist grass. I stared at the rushing water panic stricken by the dead end he led me into. Clarence came up from behind me and placed his hands around my waist applying more pressure than he had when we danced.
“Don’t scream.” He whispered in my ear. I bit my bottom lip until my tongue was overcome with the coppery liquid as I flew through the air, over the ripples of water and rolled onto the damp grass. I could hear Clarence take a few steps before leaping through the air and landing beside me with a faint thud.
“You alright?” He huffed yanking me up by my elbow, not waiting for my answer. Mud clung to my arms and the smell lingered in my nose. We twisted through trees and climbed over rocks until Clarence stopped. He pulled back the arms of aging trees to reveal a small rundown cottage. The wood was covered in moss and some of the windows were just shards of broken glass. Clarence shoved the block of wood on hinges open and ushered me inside. The strong smell of cedar washed away the scent of mud. A small poorly equipped kitchen made up the right side, a wooden table with four three-legged chairs surrounded it, a metal case with an unlit oil lantern inside sat on the table. A worn twin bed on a stout wooden bedframe was shoved up against a corner in the left wall.
“What is this place?” my voice was hoarse from running.
“I found it a couple years back. You can tell it’s been around for a few decades though.” He placed his satchel carefully on the wooden table. I watched it quizzically as it moved around.
“I was coming to return this to you.” His lips curved into a weak smile as he pulled back the flap to reveal Eloise’s bobbing head.
“My baby,” I cried rushing over and squeezing her to my chest my eyes burned as they watered over with overdue tears. I crumpled to the floor my hand placed over my quivering mouth to keep the wind from carrying my sobs.
“In the morning we will make our way to my palace and you will get the justice you deserve.” His voice was determined as he knelt beside me pressing my heaving body into his chest. He smoothed my hair until I cried myself to sleep.
*  *  *
The bed squeaked as I rolled my body away from the sunlight beating in. My eyes fluttered open as he gently ran his fingers through my hair.
“Good morning, Tesoro.” I frantically swatted at the air as I crammed my body against the wall, my skin prickled with fear.
“Where’s Clarence?” I choked out, my heart pounding against my ribs. The monster sat beside my bed still clothed in the red guardsmen coat, his tanned hands rested on the knees of his black pants. A broken twig was trapped in one of his black matted curls.
“It was so easy it’s almost an embarrassing story to tell.” His eyes filled with amusement as he spoke. “I just threw a few rocks in the opposite direction and he dashed after the sound like a dog chasing a stick.” Dimples formed as he smiled at the memory.
“Who are you?” I demanded, the fear inside me was quickly being replaced with anger.
“Danté,” his voice was light as he casually propped his elbow onto the bed and rested his chin on his bleeding knuckles. “You may remember my father Amadeo Giorgettite, the late King of Italy.” There was a bitterness to his tone as he glared up at me from his dark lashes. My heart stopped as the memories of the oppressing leader who slaughtered his own people for fun resurfaced. My father and mother intervened on the citizens’ behalf and beheaded the king while evicting the queen; forcing her and her eleven year old son to live out the rest of their days in poverty. My father pronounced his brother Thomas as the new King of Italy.
“I wish your parents had killed my mother and I that day, it would have been far less painful than watching my mother slowly rot from starvation and a broken spirit.” His accent was thick and deep as he spoke staring unblinkingly into my eyes. “Your parents deserved to die.”
“You’re going to kill me.” my voice was flat as I stared back into the black pits of his eyes, seeing my parent’s bodies in his irises. He chuckled as his gaze dropped to the closed up shell not far from his leg. He lifted it into his hands his fingers tracing the creases of Eloise’s home. My nails dug into my palms as my hands balled into fists as I watched him handle my turtle.
“No, I’m not. Not after seeing the way your long red hair falls around your pale freckled face.” his lips twisted into a kind, appreciative smile. “Your eyes remind me of the topaz necklace my mother used to wear. I’d be punishing myself if I wasted a beauty like yours, my treasure.” He reached his arm across the bed trying to touch me, I slapped it away. He dropped Eloise and leapt onto the bed and grabbed a fist full of my hair yanking my head back.
“Now, now Tesoro.” He whispered cruelly into my ear. His grasp loosened as his attention shot to the door as it flew off its hinges. Clarence came barreling in like a madman an animalistic gleam in his green eyes. Clarence seized him by the shoulders throwing him off the bed, I yelped as Danté pulled me with him, parts of my hair still tangled in his fingers. I landed on part of Danté’s leg, he released my hair and sprung to his feet ready for the next attack. I crawled to Eloise as Clarence flung Danté into the small wooden table, breaking it in the process. The lantern flew off and landed next to my foot.  I watched horrified as Danté tossed Clarence against the wall, his body slumped to the ground. Clarence let out a cry as Danté swiftly drove his boot into his stomach. I grabbed the discarded metal case and swung it into Danté’s head in a fit of rage. It shattered on impact sending red shards of glass everywhere. His body immediately dropped to the floor, blood flowing from his head.
Silence filled the room as I stared at Danté’s unmoving body, Clarence groaned as he stood up. I watched the scarlet stream flow from the knotted black hair and onto the creaking wood. My arm hung by my side, my fingers were still tightly wrapped around the metal handle. Clarence stepped over the corpse, his shaking fingers pried the useless remains of the lantern case from my stiff fingers. I looked up at him as the weapon clattered to the floor.
“I killed him.” I whispered, I could feel the haze returning.
“I know.” His voice was soft as he gazed into my glassy eyes.
“My parents are dead, Clarence, I’m all alone.” My voice sounded far away as I spoke, detached from my body. He pressed my head into his sweaty chest, I listened to the constant thud of his heart as he engulfed me in his arms.
“You will never be alone.” He kissed the top of my head and buried his face in my hair.



I sat in the gazebo laughing as Clarence chased Cameron around the yard, his pudgy arms outstretched as he reached for Eloise in the grass. His curly red hair bounced as he ran. He shrieked when Clarence seized him and lifted his still kicking legs off the ground. His porcelain freckled face lit up with joy as Clarence playfully threw him in the air. He took off running, squealing for Clarence to chase him as soon as his feet hit the ground.
“Mommy! Mommy come play!” his sweet voice carried in the wind as he ran, his big forest green eyes pleaded for me to join.
“Mommy can’t right now, sweetie,” I called out rubbing my hard, extended stomach. I smiled down at my little Arianna forming inside. I softly sang to her my mother’s lullaby as she involuntarily kicked my insides.
“Red hair like fire,
blue eyes like the ocean,
Singing the song of her people.
As kittens scurry,
and turtles bury,
and birds fly off, and bunnies hop hop hop.
The song of her people bring us all together
Around the bomb fire by the ocean tides.
Singing and dancing as the sun glides through the next night.”

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