One Lifelong Adventure | Teen Ink

One Lifelong Adventure

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

It is the only thing that describes me. I am the only one who understands it. One lifelong adventure with Arizona sunsets, Wisconsin winters, and everything in between. One who is there but never here. One spark that's always burning. From my bedroom I imagine it, but from the open road, I live it.
Its power is secret. It remembers city streets and rural highways; National Parks and country landmarks. It changes destinations and brings the old memories along for the ride. This is how it works.
Let one forget its reason for forgetting, it would be impossible to remember every new sight. Go, go, go adventure calls my name. It continues.
When I am too old and too ill to keep going, when I am a stionary being in the midst of motion, then it is I only remember. When there is no place new to see on this earth. One who went despite the consequences. One who saw the world and kept going. One whose only reason is to relive every memory and never forget.

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