That Certain Feeling | Teen Ink

That Certain Feeling

April 28, 2015
By Fanfiction13 PLATINUM, Somewhere, Other
Fanfiction13 PLATINUM, Somewhere, Other
28 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's no fame without fans.

Has anyone ever asked you about having that certain feeling about something? I did… just not that usual feeling of that love or sadness c r a p most girls have. Instead my feeling was a brand new way to feel.
There I was, in a bar, lonely, as usual. But then this glorious man with his luscious, black, flowing hair walked up to me like he came directly from a story book. He said I looked gorgeous and bought me some wine. All this time I had been trying to seduce others to like me when I should have just waited for others to come to me. He asked me if I wanted to go to his house. Only a psycho would say otherwise.
  We undressed and got into the shower. I was having a good time and I could see he was as well. After a few more (enjoyable) minutes he said he'd be right back. After a few minutes of noises of rustling and frustration of not finding what he was looking for he exclaimed “Ah ha!” He returned holding something behind his back. At first I thought it was a gift. I found it really lovely that I left such a positive impression on him after such a short amount of time. That love was shattered into horror of this man. For sticking between his legs was a knife.
I tried to flee from the shower and run past him, but his movements were swift and he had me on the floor in less then a second. Plastered  across his face was a maniacal smile ready to kill for fun. He shoved the knife deep within my skin.
So. I ask you. Have you ever had that feeling? That feeling of betrayal. That feeling of pure evil being your demise. That feeling of not having a happy ending where you die peacefully in the hands of a loving husband. I got the sight of a man enjoying your death, ready to move on to his next victim.   


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