a fight between fight and friendship | Teen Ink

a fight between fight and friendship

June 2, 2015
By KianaJackson2020 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
KianaJackson2020 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ring, Ring , Ring

Who is it now.....oh it's Leah
  "Hey what's up" I said
" Nothing I just wanted to see if you could go with me to church today, It's 6:30pm to 9:00pm"
"Well let me ask my mom first because you know how my mom is"
"Okay well just call me back after you find the answer ttyl bye"
"Ttyl bye"
"Hey mom can I go with Leah to church today"
  "No sorry you've got homework and chores to do"
"Omg fine"
"Hey Leah my mom said I couldn't go because I haven't done anything around my house sorry (maybe) next time"

Leah Hayward is my best friend
"She has dirty blonde hair with just a touch of blonde highlights on the end, she's always wearing skirts but today she had on a flower skirt with a hole bunch of random colors, with a black plain shirt with the most beautiful white little high hills the kind that you have to put your feet in but it shows your little toes, also sometimes She will have her hair up in the longest ponytail but today she had it down and it was super  wavy..... She was like my biggest enemy in 5th grade all because of a stupid boy that we like to call Yoda.........Yoda is very tall like maybe 5.8 he has poofy hair little curlz, he has light brown eyes the are big as a cloud, Yoda always wear t-shirts with regular jeans. We always would share him like he was both of our boyfriends.Then if he was  to break up with me or if I was to break up with him, he would go tell Leah how much he hated me and how I was always mean to him but that really wasn't the truth that’s the only reason why Leah didn’t ever wanna try to fix it. Than when he was done with her because they got into a fight or a are you arguing all the time he'll ask me than stupidly I would say yes to him. Leah is my bestfriend ..........but one day Me and my best friend yoda which I would call him my boyfriend.......We got into this big fight all just because he lied to me on my birthday even though I told him not to lie to me anymore because I know what situation his in with his family. I probably dated him more than just 10 times (maybe) even like 25,000 but that’s not the point we’ve been through thick and thin I took him back even if I didn’t have to do that and being lied to every time hurt so we broke up the next day after my birthday. Way before all that happened remember Leah and yoda got into a big fight.. well they never got back together after that, after that me and yoda never got back together and he was single just like me and leah......Me and Leah apologized to each other as soon as all the drama was gone and became close, close , and close and me and her turned into a Team having friends is the best thing that could ever happen to me and I wouldn’t change it for the world. After all that happened Me and Leah would have our days when we didn’t get along and fight because what’s been going around the school but after a while we would always get over it and it was weird how all the sudden we were the most worst enemies in the school and all just because we both stop dating Alex and realized how stupidly we were acting all because of a boy and well no were BESTFRIEND!!!!!!!


“booyahh it’s my best friend leah”
“hey what’s up” i said
  “Nothing” leah said
“How Did Church Go” i said
“Good thanks i gtg i love you bye” leah said
“ I love you ttyl” i said

The author's comments:

its a true story 

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