Yes/No | Teen Ink


June 10, 2015
By Hailey Lawrenson BRONZE, Williamsville, New York
Hailey Lawrenson BRONZE, Williamsville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He’s here. He’s right here.
Is this a dream?
It must be a dream.
There is no way that this isn’t my head flying off my shoulders.
I should punch him.
I should kiss him.
What if he tries to kiss me? He'd better not.
Shut up.
I broke up with him. He cheated on me.
He loved me.
He embarrassed me. He gained my trust and then he tore me into pieces.
Come on, it wasn’t that bad.
Slam the door right now right now.
But he’s wearing that purple shirt.
He’s staring at me.
Why isn’t he speaking? Is he expecting me to say something?
He came here, he needs to be the one to speak.
Oh, his mouth is moving.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
My lungs stop.
There is no way that I can continue to breathe the same air as the liar. He is too close.
Not close enough.
“I couldn’t let us end on a bad note. I wanted to be your friend. Remember? We promised that! That even though the dating thing may not work, we would still be friends.”
Friends? He thinks I want to be friends with a lousy scumbag him? What is going on in his head? Just how insane is he, because if he honestly just said that, I think he needs some serious counseling.
But I feel bad for him. If I’m not his friend, who will he have?
Exactly. He deserves no one.
Everyone deserves someone.
Everyone except him. Be realistic, come on, just say what you think!
I don’t know what I think, stop contradicting me!
I manage to find my voice. “Oh, I’m sorry, after seven months of broken promises, I didn’t realise that the word promise held any meaning when it passed by your lips. Why is this promise more important than the promise to keep your hands to yourself? To care about me? To--”
“I do care about you. I really--”
“If you cared about me so much, you would have thought I was enough. You wouldn’t need her to do for you what I couldn’t. You don’t care about me. You care about yourself and no one else.”
“Annie, I--”
“No, I'm not finished. You have made my life an absolute hell this past year. Your adventures ripped me to pieces. I was dangerously insecure even before you came into my life and started playing with my emotions like I was a deck of cards. I stopped being in this relationship the moment the trust went out the door, even if I didn’t realize I was out until recently. I will never be your friend and you need to accept that and get over yourself already.”
“Annie, please,--”
It is a pleasure to hear the thud of the door hitting the jamb and his cry of pain and protest as I turn the lock.
That was cruel.
Not cruel enough.

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