The Woman in Red | Teen Ink

The Woman in Red

June 25, 2015
By Anonymous

The night was ending but the women in red still hadn't left her seat. Her golden brown hair was perfectly curled so it sat without fault on her shoulders. She sat in her seat fiddling with the material of her dress. The smooth velvet running through her fingers as she felt the time ticking by. Her long legs crossed over one another, attempting to swing one foot to the beat of the music. The woman took a deep breath and stood up to take charge of the last couple of minutes of the night. When she stood up, she stumbled on her shoes that were the colour of her skin. Fixing her sleeves and licking her lips, she made her way to the middle of the dance floor. Her hazel brown eyes closed as she tried to breathe in the music. Despite her finger nails bitten to the nub, she had them painted red to match her dress. The dress hung over her body flawlessly, enough to make any woman in the room jealous. She pursed her lips in the most peculiar way as she pulled out all the courage she had in her. She raised her arms in the air, her mind left the room while she tried to ignore the stares she felt on the back of her neck. For the first time in forever she let loose.

The author's comments:

I was exploring character descsriptions. It's a short intro to one of my characters.

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