The Test | Teen Ink

The Test

October 29, 2015
By jeanellybelly BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
jeanellybelly BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you die, there’s a test. A test that determines the rest of your journey. Whether you go into Nirvana or descend into hell, it is all determined by the test. There’s no way to prepare for it; there’s no study guide; nothing. This test is personalized to each person and by the end of it, no one feels the same. It takes a part of you for itself and leaves you feeling empty. The test is selfish, greedy, evil. Why do I know this? I’ve taken the test before in a dream; or was it a nightmare? It was so long ago. All I know is that this test tugs on you. It tugs on your heartstrings, your mind strings; you become its puppet. You swing from side to side trying to pass each mental obstacle the test throws at you. No one has ever passed the test. No one WILL pass the test.
I took an oath that said I will never discuss my personal experience with the test but I am allowed to warn people about it and give a few tips. Tip 1: Your test begins the moment your soul floats up into the atmosphere and ends with it crashing quickly into hell. You must be ready for the unexpected and you have to accept that you will fail. I’ve seen countless souls try so hard to just get past stage 1 and they failed miserably. I've grown accustomed to seeing souls fail. It brings me joy now. I don’t even feel sorry for the souls like I used to so many years ago. If you accept that failure is inevitable, She may spare you. Tip 2: It’s a game she plays really. A cold, cruel game that only She knows how to win. If you just go along and don’t disrespect her, She might not scar you eternally. The woman is beautiful. The way she creates each game custom to each soul is truly remarkable. She really just knows each person's breaking point and she dances with that knowledge graciously. Truly a sight to see. But really, just go along with the game if there’s any chance of you escaping with your sanity. My final tip, Tip 3: build yourself a thick layer of protection; mentally. The game, the test, She, it’s ALL mental. She will exploit your thoughts and that’s how it all begins. This is where I failed; miserably. I let her open the door into my thoughts and raid the place like she was looking for gold. Well She found it, gold in the shape of my thoughts, my aspirations in life, all my dreams. She will use all of it against you for her own personal enjoyment. After everything, you will feel chewed up and used. Violated. Done. You CANNOT let yourself break down! You can’t fight her no no. You must fight yourself mentally if there is going to be any hope of you getting passed this entire experience.
I hoped this helped you honestly. I’m putting out these tips because I personally don’t think there’s enough angels in Nirvana and that has to do with the test. The world is a chaotic, spinning, mass where everyone will inevitably fail the test and this needs to change. People’s minds are no longer as sharp as they used to be. Everyone relies on technology and no one is willing to fight for anything anymore. You must become a fighter to get past the test. I wish I was one before the test consumed me.

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