Six Shiny Diamonds | Teen Ink

Six Shiny Diamonds

December 4, 2015
By ank13 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ank13 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who shine bright. I am the only one who shines too. Six shiny diamonds with 14 karats and hearts shaped like stone. Six whose clarity is not great but beautiful. Six smooth edges designed by the designer. For your wedding, the bride wears the six shiny diamonds, but she cries when it isn’t her dream ring.
Their shine is perfect. They send happiness throughout the world. They are big and they are small and touch the hearts of women who were able to find Mr. Right and live happily ever after. This is how they sell.
Let one think the ring isn’t important, the shiny diamond would symbolize the eternity you will spend with your spouse, each with the love they share together. Shine, shine, shine they say when I look. They see.
When they are too perfect and too shiny to keep looking at, when they are a small treasure against a big harsh world, then it is I who shines. When there is nothing left to shine in the world. Six who sparkle during the night. Six who twinkle like the eyes of a child. Six reasons diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

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