One Tiny Puck | Teen Ink

One Tiny Puck

December 7, 2015
By 6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      They are the only one that matters to me. But only few understands its importance. One tiny puck being slapped around thousands of times. Only one belongs on the ice. One beat up puck sliding across the ice. From stick to stick, the crowd hears noise, but nobody understands the difficulty of controlling the one tiny  puck.
      The difficulty is incredible. The obstacles the puck presents is mind boggling. One minute every bounce goes your way and the next minute you can’t seem to get the puck from the other team. This is what makes that puck important.
      Not everyone understands the reason of a puck, they think it’s just a piece of black leather, with no purpose. Clap, Clap, Clap they say when they make contact with the stick. Only few understand.
      When I am lonely and need time to think, that is when I go outside and play with the puck. When there is nothing else to do. One with such importance. One who talks to the ones who listen. One who changes people’s lives.

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