18 Challengng Holes | Teen Ink

18 Challengng Holes

December 7, 2015
By kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

They are the only ones who test me.  I am the only one who outsmarts them.  18 challenging holes with tricky doglegs and ginormous hazards.  Eightteen amongst a million more in the world.  18 ways to lose my patience.  From the tee, I can see them, but with the fans and competitors watching they shrink. 
Their difficulty is overlooking. They send traps to destroy my game. They are long or they are short and they move left, right, up and down.  That is how they’re designed.
Makes one question, “Why do I enjoy this game?” as the ball soars into the water.  Splash, crunch, and dust they say when I hit my ball.  They challenge.
Whether I am bored or looking to improve, I go play.  When you think you’re fully prepared, the 18 holes finally come along.  When there is not more golf to play, play more.  18 who all hold differences.  18 who challenge all who play.  18 whose sole purpose is to keep you coming back for more.

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