5 Bright Stars | Teen Ink

5 Bright Stars

January 6, 2016
By Brianna16 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Brianna16 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who calm me. I am the only one who watches them. Five bright stars with shiny edges and energy like me. Five who give me hope throughout life. Five spontaneous creations created by God. From my living room, I can see them, but Joey just watches TV and plays video games. 
Their purpose is secret. They send secret light during the blue sky. They shine and they glisten and they grab the earth between their structure and light up the sky with the glare they give off and never disappoint their happiness. This is how they appear.
Let one forget his reason to come, they’d all unite like constellations in the sky, each with their own figure created in the sky. Shine, shine, shine they say when I sleep. They seek.
When I am too sad and too mad to keep going, when I am a teen stressed about so many things, then I look at stars. When there is nothing left to look at in the sky. Five who brighten despite the moon. Five who shimmer and don’t forget to shine. Five whose only reason is to be and be happy.

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