Promise | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By VictoriaB BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
VictoriaB BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The night before Kaleb went missing he asked me to meet him at the gas station.

He was sitting in his racer red sports car with his hoodie up and sipping on a coke Slurpee, last time I saw him. At least that’s what I told the police. I also told them that I thought he had just gone home after and that we were there just drinking Slurpees and talking about how the summer went by so fast.

Here’s what actually happened:

Kaleb called me at about 10:13 the Sunday before the first day of school and asked me to meet him at the gas station. He knew how in love with him I was and that I would do just about anything he asked. I should’ve known better though, Sunday nights were always my least favorite time of the week. But of course, I slipped on my crocs and  headed to the gas station in my pajamas. I found K sitting in his car, that part was true. His head was down, it looked like he was crying but he smiled when he looked up at me and got out the car.

K :Thanks for coming.
Me: Of course. What do you need. 
K: You.

At this point my heart stopped and fell out of my chest. Luckily Kaleb caught it and put it back in.

K: Hey, you okay.
Me: Yeah, yeah.
K: So I need you’re car. I mean you can have mine, I bought it so we can just trade ya know.

I was scared to ask why, because I already knew. He always jokes about running away, disappearing, leaving everyone and everything behind; I knew this may be the last time I’ll ever see him, but still i had to

Me: Why.
K: I think you know.
Me: No, why now and why me. You could’ve called someone else.

Then Kaleb went on to tell me about how it was a full moon and he was going to turn into a beast come midnight and he didn’t know if he would turn back or if he wanted to. He also talked about god and destiny and how who he is now isn’t going to plan and how this town wasn’t enough for him, which sounded much like a bullet ripping through my gut, felt like it too.

K: I know your care about me.
Me: Then why would you ask me to do this.
K: Because I know you won’t say no.
Me: Thats abusive.
K: I’m sorry.

I handed him my keys. He handed me his.

Me: I love you.
K: I know.

Being in love makes you weak, it makes you vulnerable.
Being young and in love makes you stupid
Makes you not you but a host to some body jumping spirit who makes you do thing you and it well knows you’ll regret, but you can’t help it.

I watched him drive away, that night. I knew exactly where he was headed, but I can’t tell anyone. He made me promise.

The author's comments:

scene from V's life

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