Truth | Teen Ink


January 19, 2016
By Austin19 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Austin19 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't punch a pole" - Coach Dave

A young man, learns what true love is, and how to see it in someone else.

Chapter 1: Truth

We were riding in the car coming back from our trip up north. I was driving, you were next to me. It was quiet. Not a creepy awkward quiet, but a relaxed content kind of quiet. We sat there side by side, separated by the center console that I was leaning on. I liked this a lot because it wasn't necessarily a need to talk. I was relaxed and you were relaxed. That was all that mattered.
As we sat there listening to the soft music in the background you turned to me. We were going around a turn so I couldn't look at you. But I knew you were looking at me all the same.Now I was driving, my eyes were on the road, but I think you smiled. I don't know for sure, it was out of the  corner of my eye and it was dark. But I thought I saw it. And of course, that made me smile.
I smiled a little and I knew, that you would be the one. You were the one I'd spend my life with. My thoughts went to our wedding day and our honey moon. I even thought about kids. But you looked away then and those thoughts were gone. That was five months ago today. I know it was because I saved the date. All those feelings had gone away. Not because you stopped loving me, but because I started loving you. Now I don’t hate you and I know you don't hate me, at least, I hope you don’t hate me. I didn’t do anything to you.
I guess that I might dislike you a little, well, because of what you did. But I know you meant me no harm, I hope. You weren’t ready for commitment, that’s fine. But the least you could have done was not tell people. You could have stayed quite, kept it to yourself. Been a normal, nice person. But no, you went and told everyone. I guess I should have just told everyone myself. Oh well.
I told you something, and that something was how I felt. You werent supposed to tell anyone, but you went and told everyone. Not cool. See the thing is, we were together for over a year. That’s a year I kept my feelings to myself. A year you didn’t know how I felt. A year that was supposed to be the first of many.
That thing I told you? Yeah that should have stayed between us. I don’t care so much that you broke up with me because of it. S*** happens...ya know? But the least you could have done was not tell others. Now everyone looks at me like I was wrong.
My brother tells me I learned something. Something about others. He agrees it was okay to say what I said. He said that after a year, it was perfectly normal to say “I love you”. Obviously you don’t agree with him...or me either. But I don’t care. I know I’ve said that multiple times, but I don’t really. My brother also says that some people are insecure and are afraid of commitment. I agree.
Thinking back, I realize that all the signs were there. I just didn’t see them. I was too blinded by my love for you, even though there was no love for me. But I’m okay with this realization. I’m smarter now, I can see when girls aren’t okay with it. I guess you could say I’m wiser. That time in the car way back then, I was wrong. And I can guarantee that won’t be the last. I don’t regret anything that happened with us. I really don’t. I guess I’m the bigger person in this situation. I know that there is someone out there waiting for me, and when that girl comes around, I’m going to hold onto her forever. Honestly, I hope the same happens for you.

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