Insane | Teen Ink


February 16, 2016
By XScriptX BRONZE, 74401, Oklahoma
XScriptX BRONZE, 74401, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Be careful when you walk alone at night

Chapter 1: Insane


I know I’m insane, I have always known it. I love it. People stare at me and whisper, but I only smile, they will never know how much fun it is. They say my soul is cold and my heart is made of rotting wood, and it's true. I laugh. “Fetch him a straight jacket,” they shout, “Call the doctor,” my mother says. No doctor can save me, I’m too far along. Father says it's just a phase, it will pass, but it's not a phase its who I am and I’ll never change. A killer at heart, that's what my family thinks, I won’t lie I’ve thought about slicing them up.
I often cut myself to see how much I bleed, feeling the blood run down my arm gives me a rush. Just imagine the feeling I would get if I could make another bleed. Watching them gasp for breath as I slice open their neck. I’ve came so close to doing it, there are so many people in this world, I'd be doing a favor. I'd be releasing them from the cruel world we live in. Think about it, You’d be walking down the street, just a few minutes before midnight, while I trail behind you unknowingly. I’m so quiet as I watch you from afar, waiting. I wait for the fear to strike you as you realize there are extra foot steps. Of course you speed up, but really? what good will that do? you're already dead.
My voices are telling me to hurry, they keep yelling at me to do it already, but I don’t want to kill you quickly. where's the fun in that?
I’m getting closer, I hold back my laughter as I reach out for you, grabbing your arm. You fall and stare at me with pure horror in your eyes. I like that. You scream which is music to my ears. The voices get louder, so loud that it drowns out the sounds of the night.
“Hurry up and kill them do it do it imagine how fantastic it will feel once you drive that knife in them.”
I shut my eyes tightly and wait for the voices to die down, you look up at me, mouth wide open and teary face. I must obey the voices. Your eyes widen as you watch me pull out a knife, you let out a scream, but we can't have that. I open your mouth wide, you shudder as I press the blade on your tongue. I wait a moment, soakIng in the soft sobbing. I place the tip of the blade on your tongue. This makes more tears fall from your face. I add more pressure, breaking the skin and bringing blood to the surface. It drops onto the ground. Your eyes are shut tight, but really it can't be that bad, not yet of course. I can't wait any longer it's just not enough blood yet. With one swift movement, I slice your tongue off, blood gushes from your face. with wide eyes, you stare unable to speak or make a sound. You let out a few whimpers as you scoot away.
It's not over yet, I still haven't gotten that full rush yet. Grabbing you by the shirt, I drag you. there's a trail of blood, but I don’t care. I stop in an alley, and throw you against the wall.
“What will you do now?” the voices ask.
I grin. What will I do? there is so many ways to kill a man. You're so close to death already with all that blood coming from your mouth. You can barely stay up. But you can’t die yet not when we are having so much fun. I pull the knife out again and place it to your chest, you're so weak you can't even make a sound. I slowly inch it into you, you let out a few whimpers, but it's not enough it's not satisfying me. I put the knife away and stare at you. You look back at me with puffy watery eyes, you don’t have much time left, you're slipping quickly. I could just leave you, but the voices won't let me.
“Finish them off make them burn.”
I listen for a long while until the voices once again stopped, pulling out a lighter, I stare at you. This is the only way I’ll satisfy them. The voices began to cheer as I bring the flame close to your pants. Instantly they burst into flames. I watch as you shake violently, but the flames just keep spreading. Your body is now covered in the devil's blanket, you stop moving and now there is silence.

I know I’m insane I have always know that, you can't save me. My demons have already drug me down, pulling me through the dark depths of hell and filling my head with their horrible voices. They left me in a dark room filled with the sins of the world where I only have my voices and insanity itself.

The author's comments:

I cam up with this story after a friend of mine told me about this guy who used to stalk her.

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