STORM | Teen Ink


March 23, 2016
By Anonymous

    It was a dreary night, thunder and lightning blared through the sky as rain poured down. Karlee was just finishing her shift at work, she had worked all weekend. Thursday night through Sunday morning, she was exhausted. Karlee was a waitress at a local Italian restaurant. As she was arriving home the wind was shaking her car tremendously. It may have seemed like a pretty intense storm that night but Karlee had plans that were not getting canceled.

    Karlee finally arrived home after such a crazy driving experience in the storm, and a horrible day at work. Her radio in her car alerted about the tornado warning, it seemed like everything was going down hill that day but she still kept a smile on her face. Tom texted Karlee and asked her if they were still on for tonight, Karlee replied saying that she was ready to go out, no matter what the weather was like. Tom is Karlee’s boyfriend, he is a little less than a year younger than her. He is way taller than her, and has brown hair.  Tom was very worried about the weather conditions, just think about it, there was already a tornado warning called!
    Karlee was hardheaded, she had her mind stuck on one thing and one thing only. As Karlee was getting ready, she heard her mother bang on her door.  Karlee’s mother is 40 years old, and more like a best friend to Karlee rather than a mother. Karlee turned off the hair dryer and her mom walked in her room and expressed to Karlee how worried she was about going out in this weather. The wind gusts were crazy. Karlee’s mother said that it wasn’t such a good idea to go out in this storm, but did Karlee care? Probably not as much as she should have.
    Five o’clock in the afternoon arrived and it was time for Karlee to leave her house and head to Tom’s house. Karlee lives outside of Greensboro, while Tom lives outside of Denton. Karlee was extra prepared though, she brought a bag of extra clothes and normal overnight things incase she had to end up staying at Tom’s house because of the storm. So Karlee ran out to her car in the pouring rain, as thunder and lightening were striking, and they were striking hard. Karlee opened up her car door the slightest bit and the wind took ahold of it and the door almost flew off the hinges. Karlee quickly got inside of her car and closed the door. She started up her car and heard on the radio they issued a tornado warning and watch and a thunderstorm warning and everybody should not leave their homes unless it was a major emergency. Karlee didn’t care at all.
    Karlee arrived at the street light in Greensboro by Kinnamon’s gas station. Kinnamon’s is usually always open but no cars were there and all the lights were off. The light at the intersection was off too, the power had went out in Greensboro. Not a car was in sight on the whole way to Tom’s house. The wind was shaking her car so much she was beginning to get scared, not scared enough to change her mind about going out that night. It was pitch black outside. Karlee is only 5’2” and doesn’t weigh but 100 and some pounds, if something was to happen to her during this storm, she wouldn’t know what to do.
    Finally, Karlee arrived at Tom’s house and they got inside of his diesel truck and they were ready to go. Tom had an 04 GMC Sierra Duramax, Karlee thought for sure they were in the right vehicle for this type of weather condition. She had refused to take her car, she had just a small 2009 Chevy HHR, that car was not suited for this weather. Tom was a new driver though, so he was getting scared about driving an hour in this kind of weather. Karlee and Tom arrived at iHop that Karlee was so excited for. She couldn’t wait to eat those fluffy rich chocolate chip pancakes covered in maple syrup. As they arrived at iHop they saw a couple cars there but not as many as usual. Tom told Karlee many times that he knew they were closed, but she thought it was just because it was later in the afternoon that not many cars were there. Karlee got out of the truck and walked up to the door, only to find out iHop was closed because of the storm.
    The story doesn’t end here though. Tom decided to drive on over to Walmart which is in the same plaza as iHop. Karlee had no idea why exactly he was going to Walmart, but hey he did just drive her an hour in the storm for iHop just to find out they were closed, so she wasn’t asking any questions. About fifteen minutes went by and Tom was just now coming out of Walmart.
“What did you need to get?”
“Oh nothing really, Mom just asked me to pick up extra milk and eggs”
    So, Tom started driving home. It was really late by the time they arrived back at his house, everybody was already sleeping. Karlee decided to go take a nice hot shower. While Karlee was in the shower, something was happening downstairs that she had no idea about.
    Karlee came downstairs to see Tom cooking, and to be honest, Tom never cooks. Maybe macaroni and cheese, but that's about it. Karlee looked over to see what exactly Tom was cooking and it looked to be, that he was actually making homemade chocolate chip pancakes! Karlee was filled with joy to see finally that she was getting what she had wanted all day long. Tom directed her to sit down at the table, handed her a plate stacked high of chocolate chip pancakes! He kissed her on the forehead and said “I love you”.

The author's comments:

my boyfriend taking me to ihop

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