A Good Day Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

A Good Day Gone Wrong

March 23, 2016
By SharriaK BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
SharriaK BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Setting: The daughter has just told her mother terrible news about her little brother and they are both upset about what happened. They are both in the living room that is connected to the kitchen and the front door is not far from it. The mother is reacting to what she was told.
Prior to this scene, the daughter was told to take her brother with her when she wanted to go out and get something from the store. She was being a big pain to her parents when they told her to her to take him and the father paid close attention to that. While she was walking him to the store at one point she wasn’t paying attention and was preoccupied with her phone.
MOM: (Covering her head while crying) Why were you not holding his hand? Why didn’t you pay attention?....( She pauses and takes a deep breath) I don’t understand how you could have let that happen. ( Her voice gets louder and sounds like it’s breaking.)
DAUGHTER: (Crying) I don’t know…. (She speaks softly) he wasn’t there when I turned around….( She looks down)
( The room is full of silence as the mother takes in everything her daughter told her. The father enter the room coming back from searching for his son.)
MOM: (As the father enters the room she moves closer towards him) Did you find him? Did you find him? ( She says it quickly concerned and full of hope.)
DAD: I looked everywhere. (He makes a sad face)
MOM: ( Looking down and falling to the ground) Call the police now. (She says softly while hiding her face and pointing to the phone.)
DAD: (As the daughter goes to the phone wiping her tears away) I don’t think that’s a good idea. (His hands are on his hips and he shaking his head no.)
DAUGHTER: (Mom and the daughter both look puzzled.) Why ? (She asked him in a hostile manner)  
DAD: (Pauses) There is no need to call the police at the moment.
MOM: (Raising her voice) Why would you say something like that? Our son is missing and you are telling me not to call the police? How is that even reasonable?( Starts to cry more)
DAUGHTER: I don’t understand. None of us knows where he is…
DAD: Just wait awhile
DAUGHTER: But we should just at least call so they could be at least aware and can let us know. He is too little to be all alone on his own. I feel so bad (Looks down)
DAD: It’s okay. We are going to find him. Don’t worry.
(While the father and daughter were going back and forth the mother starts to get angry and b begins to rant)
MOM: (Infuriated) How could you say don’t worry? (Raises voice) our five year old son is out there alone… God knows where and we can’t find him. We all should be very worried. He could be in danger and none of us will know. We need to call the police. I’m going to call the police. I don’t even understand how he got out of your sight in the first place. (Points at her daughter) Why ? ( Puts hand on forehead) I just hope he is okay…. You two (toward her husband and her daughter) seem to not understand the seriousness of the situation. ( Puts on shoes coats and grabs the keys)
DAUGHTER: (To her mother) Where are you going ?
MOM: I’m going to find my son! (Yelling)
DAD: (To his wife as she walks out the door) Wait let our daughter search for him.
(Mom walks back in and closes the door)
DAUGHTER: (Holding her hands to her head) I can’t believe this is happening. (she grabs the keys from her mom and goes to the door) I’ll find him.
MOM: (Hesitantly says okay)
(Daughter exits)
DAD: Look, it’s going to be okay. I just wanted to teach her a lesson.
MOM: What are you talking about?
DAD: While they were out as I was passing him she wasn’t paying attention to him nor was she holding his hand. So I told him to get in the car.
MOM: You knew he was here this whole time? (She looks up as she feels relieved but angry at the same time)
DAD: I wanted her to learn her lesson and she is.
MOM: Where is he ? (Feeling the need to see him)
DAD: He is upstairs asleep but probably gonna wake up soon from all that yelling.
MOM: (She cries and laughs at the same time.) You jerk! You could have told me. I never so stressed in my life.
DAD: (looking at her with a deep stare) You would have gave it away.
(Daughter enters and slams the door)
DAUGHTER: (Bugging out and crying) I can't find him. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry (Cries harder)
MOM & DAD: (At the same time) It's okay (They look at each other)
DAUGHTER: How? (She gives him a look for hope)
DAD: Because he is right there. ( The son walks into the room)

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