Just Hope | Teen Ink

Just Hope

March 31, 2016
By Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Remember do not play with the Shadow.  You cannot trust him,” said the Father, as he left his Son in the yard and headed off to work. 
     “Okay Dad,” said the Son, “see you when you get home.”  They waved good-bye and then the Son turned around to play with his friends, Faith, Hope, Dependability, Honesty and Love.  They are his best Friends, they follow him wherever he goes to make sure he is safe. 
     Around midday a Shadow appeared, it was as dark as night, slender as a toothpick, with all the evil in the world in his eyes.   The Shadow knows that the Father is strong and could not be tempted, so he went to the boy.  The Shadow said,”come here and play with me.” 
     “No, my Father told me to stay away from you,” said the Son. 
     Going up to the Son, the Shadow place his hand on his shoulder and said, “I can show you things and take you places that you have never been before.”  The Son was hypnotized by the Shadow, not seeing anything but him.
     His values started to scream at the Shadow, “Let go of him,” but the Son went with the Shadow, instinstenly dependability fell to the ground, not being able to move.  The other values tried to help the value but did not prevail.  They followed the Son, hoping to get him to go back home.
     The Shadow showed the Son all types of new things in life; from being able to take anything you ever wanted, to being able to control everything you could see.  Each time the Sons values would try and get the Son to go back home where his Father had left him, but before they could say anything, the Shadow, would put his hand on the Sons shoulder and the Son would instantly follow the Shadow. 
     The Son was making new friends every time the Shadow showed him something new; however, every time he would make a new friend he lost one of his old ones.  Instead of being with the values of his Father, Faith, dependability, Hope, Love, the boy was now with Greed, Jealousy, and Distrust. 
     The Father instantly knew something was wrong, and started to race to where he left his Son.  He searched frantically looking for his Son, calling for him at the top of his lungs.  Then he saw dependability on the ground.  He went over to dependability and picks him up.  He went racing towards the darkness, hoping to get to his Son before it was too late.  The farther he ran, the more of his Son's values he found.  Each time he found one of his values, he would pick them up and take them with him.
     The Son and his new found friends were having the time of their lives, everything was going his way, but once; when Hope was the only old friend that remained, his new found friends Greed, Jealousy and Distrust turned on him.  The started to punch and taunt the Son, he called out to the Shadow to help, but the Shadow calmly replied,  “No one is coming for you.”  When the Shadow said this, the Son and his last value Hope fell to the ground. 
     Just then a gun appears next to the Son, “it’s your only way out,” said the Shadow.
     The Father breaks through the door, to find his Son lying on the ground crying with the gun next to him.  The Shadow and all of his friends were gone.

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