World of Giants | Teen Ink

World of Giants

April 1, 2016
By ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Once upon a time, there was a world where the Titans created powerful gods. These gods had two heads, four arms, and four legs. The Titans started to fear the possibility of the gods overtaking their world. Soon the Titans came up with a plan; to split them all in two, turning them into giants, and have them look for their other half for the rest of their eternity. Unfortunately, their plan worked. The giants never stopped looking. They started to diminished in size, along with their hope.

We live in a world full of giants. Often though, we choose not to see them. "The footprint? That's just a temporary shadow." We let ourselves become.. blinded, or 'short'-sighted. Our disregard is our virtue.
We let ourselves see those who try to appear to be giants puffing themselves up. We see the talented, strong, smart, and the pretty trying to become the giants themselves. On the inside they're the same size as you and me.  In the end though, they only make themselves all the smaller for it.
It's those who shine deepest, who can grow the biggest. Even the giants have no idea that they're one of them. The fakers put them down for not knowing. The only thing holding the giants back, is their self conscience. Rarely, very rarely, we see a glimpse of their inner self.
Once we know their giants? We can finally see the truth. "What if we've known them since they were little?" That's an argument even officials can't argue with. One things for sure though, our sight will be clear.
There are only a few giants among us. The majority of them don't even know it.  They're just as scared as you and me.
If there are only so few, we should cherish them while we can. They're the reason we all have a same enemy, even if the enemy is sometimes themselves. For we never know when a giant might fall.
Our emotions are only as big as our enemies', and last time I checked giants are well giant.

The author's comments:

An inspiratonal piece about people being giants.

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