The King of Ice Cubes | Teen Ink

The King of Ice Cubes

April 27, 2016
By Gracie. SILVER, Marinette, Wisconsin
Gracie. SILVER, Marinette, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just try and not to fangirl to loudly

I walked by the crowds of people in hte courtyard, all of them falling silent as I go by. Once they think I am out of hearing they start up again.
"He's so aloof," one says
  "He never talks," another gossips.
   "HE"S THE KING OF ICE CUBES!" they all laugh hysterically. they called me that for only two reasons. One I always have water with ice. Two, I never spoke a word. Not to anyone here at least. if i wanted to talk, I went two hours away to visit my Mother in the State Prison. But since that isn't happening soon, I'll keep my silence.
   I pass in classes so academicly I'm fine. Socially though, I'm already dead inside. I continued my journey until I reach where I need to be .
Dr.Lydia's Office
After My Mother was arrested, my Grandmother insisted I see her. I walked in and the lady behind the front desks beams at me.
"Go on in Ethan!" She said cheerefully. I walk in not saying a word. I sat down and the long quiet hour begins. lydia tries only once this time to engulf me into conversation but I stand my ground.
The minutes tick on, each second like a forever. finally Lydia sighs and stands up.
"One day Ethan, yoou'll have to face your inner demons,"
I walk away without a wor

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