Congratulations Newly Minted Puppy | Teen Ink

Congratulations Newly Minted Puppy

May 3, 2016
By Sandi.Dog BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
Sandi.Dog BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

CNow you are the new family pet of this household. Please note you are welcome to do whatever you wish. Follow these instructions and you’ll be the top dog in the neighborhood. Remember this is your chance to shine like Rihanna said to “Shine Bright Like a Diamond.”

Energetically say “Hi” whenever someone walks by your house. People can’t understand you, but you can understand them so just bark until they go away.

Have a contest with the dog on the other side of the fence. Have a game on who can bark the loudest. You will get rewarded the best prize ever, a spot in the kennel.

Play with your water. Have you ever seen a strange glare in your water bowl? It’s your time to figure out if it’s something mysterious by pawing at it. Who knows what type of mess you’ll make. PS: humans “love” cleaning it up.

Find a bigger bed. Your bed is way to-small, it needs to be a tad bit bigger. Not to worry! There’s a bigger bed in the room you walk by everyday.

Play tag with the squirrels. The squirrels love to play with each other. So why not join the fun and play chase until they run too far.

Bark when you hear a sound at the front door. Who knows if there is an evil devil behind the door. Give it your loudest most ferocious bark so it will back off and go away!

Everything is a chew toy. Throughout your house there are some cardboard boxes and and wastebaskets! Feel free to steal the trash and destroy every last piece.

Help yourself to the food on the counter. It has been there for 1 whole minute and no one has touched it. It now seems to be yours. You are now welcome to grab it whenever you want to. Go ahead. Have a delicious little snack!

Dig a hole to China. Have you ever wondered what country is on the other side of that hole? All you have to do is dig and the next thing you know you will be in China.

Beg at the table. Your new owners always eat dinner around the same time, and they encourage you to also. Of course, you would enjoy a yummy chicken over what looks like a pile of brown gravel anytime. People can’t resist a cute puppy dog face. You will, of course, get a nice treat in the end for acting so good! (Aka a bowl of ice cream!)

See new puppy, there are always plenty of things to keep you busy in your new home. Just ask any old dog walking on the street or on the other side of the fence. They will definitely tell you that my book and DVD surely saved their life.

Make sure to buy my DVD combo-pack and book about how to live your life as a puppy. (20% discount for reading this article!)

Puppy specialist,
Lucy M/


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