As Long As the Wind Blows | Teen Ink

As Long As the Wind Blows

May 13, 2016
By morganlynneclark BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
morganlynneclark BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Years ago Johanna Mills died in a car crash she crashed with a drunk driver. Somehow he made it out alive but Johanna did not. Every year on the anniversary of Johanna's death her daughter Mandy goes to the crash sight and talks to her mom. Mandy knew who had killed her mother. At the trial he got let go because there was no evidence that he was drunk because nobody saw them until the morning after.  It had been raining that night and he said she hadn't had her lights on. The rest didn't matter to Mandy because she knew he was drunk. She knew he was lying.

This year was different it was raining again when Mandy went to the crash sight. She didn't notice when a car pulled up next to her. She didn't know he was there until he sat down next to her.She looked at him, but it was hard to tell who it was it was raining and she was crying. He didn’t say anything he just looked at the ground. He knew why she was here. It took Mandy a minute to realise who he was.When she did she was mad how dare this man come here today of all days. She turned to him she wanted to say things to him horrible things but nothing came out. She hated him with a passion. They  sat there for nearly an hour not saying anything. After a while her hatred faded and she just leaned against him and started repeating something her mom used to say to her as a child.  I will love you as long as the wind blows ,as long as the sun shines, and as long as the birds sing .. I  will love you forever. When the rain turned to snow they decided to leave.She had walked here and didn't really want to walk back so she asked him for a ride. He of course said yes it was the least he could do. He had killed her mother. On the way back there wasn't anything to say so they just sat  in silence until they pulled into the driveway. Unfortunately this was the same time that Steven Mills,Mandy’s father, had pulled into the driveway. She got out hoping that Alex would leave right away and not give her dad the chance to see him. This was not the case for some unknown reason Alex got out of the car and walked over to Steven. He stuck out his hand for him to shake. Steven took his hand and shook it.
“ I was just driving your daughter home,” Alex said shyly afraid of Steven, but he didn't recognize him. He couldn't remember exactly what the killer looked like and the blizzard wasn't helping.
“ You look familiar,” He said squinting into the snow.
“ My name is Alex Johnson” he said taking a small step toward his car, but it was too late Steven knew who he was this he remembered. He was the man that had killed his wife.   For a second he stood there debating what to do calculating. If this man was 16 when he had killed his wife and that was 5 years ago that would make him 21 and after a long pause he punched him in the face. Alex fell to the ground with a bloody nose Steven jumped on top of him and started to strangle him. Alex was flailing for a while, but he finally managed to get Steven’s hands off of his neck and he had to punch him in the face to get him to get off. They both laid on the ground wheezing for a while. When Alex got up Steven made a threat that he knew he would never forget.
“ I swear to GOD if you ever come near me, my daughter,or this house again I will shoot you. That is a promise. Do you hear me? I will murder you just like you murdered my wife. I don't care what the consequences are I will kill you.” Alex got in his truck and left. For 10 minutes Steven stayed on the ground not moving just staring up into the blizzard. “Why? Why did you let him take you home? Why did you get in his car Mandy? That is like a betrayal to your mother. This isn't what she would have wanted. She would have hated that man and you just got in to his car and you showed him where we live how dare you I can't believe you would do that to your mom.”   Mandy knew none of those this were true she knew her mom would have wanted to her to forgive Alex, but she didn't say this to her dad because he was mad and it didn't matter to him he hated Alex and always would.
She went inside and got on face book and looked for Alex. It didn't take long to find him she added him and then went down stairs and got some food. When she got back upstairs she found he had accepted her friend request, and she had a message from him. Hey Mandy I am so sorry that happened I should've just left. She answered with in seconds of reading it No I’m sorry it’s all my fault I shouldn't have asked you for a ride ,and I'm sorry about my dad would you like to have coffee sometime? She had heard the threat. She didn't care she was 18 now and she could make her own decision she was graduating in less than 2 weeks. Yeah, just please make sure it's somewhere where your dad won't see us.
So they did June 23 they met at a cafe 6 miles outside of the town. They made small talk for a while but Mandy finally just asked the question she'd wanted to know for 5 years. “What happened that night..on the road?” This caught Alex off guard he, but he answered.
“I was drunk, but I'm sure you already knew that or at least assumed. I wasn't lying at the trial when I said she hadn't had her lights on. The rain was no help I couldn't see so we crashed and I got out and stumbled over to see if she was okay. She wasn't she was bleeding a lot. I left my phone at the party, and hers was broken from the crash. I went into my car to find something to stop the bleeding.I couldn't find anything, so I just took off my shirt and used it to stop the bleeding from her head we sat like that for hours me holding the shirt to her head and he fading in and out of consciousness. I tired to keep her awake, but it was hard she whispered something to me right before she … she said   I will love you as long as the wind blows ,as long as the sun shines, and as long as the birds sing..I  will love you forever. I love you Mandy. At the time I didn't know who Mandy was. Now of course I know that it's you. I never got the chance to say i'm sorry for killing your mother for taking her away from a 13 year old girl.” He looked out the window at the park across the street avoiding her stare.
“ Look Alex I know you never meant to kill my mother all I ever wanted was the I'm sorry. My mom was the most important thing to me she was my world and when she died all I wanted was the I'm sorry or honestly for you to go to jail. I’m glad that you didn't though I'm glad I got to meet you and hear what you had to say up until now I thought you just hit her and she died and you lived and that was the end. Thank you for staying with her and thank you for telling me what she said.” She never stopped looking at him through the whole conversation he only looked back at her when she said she was glad to meet him. After a long pause he proposed a walk and they did. They walked through the park, and made more small talk. When the sun started to fade she decided to go home and so did Alex. Both walking to their cars she shouted across the parking lot “Hey Alex,” she waited for a second then she got a reply.
“Yes?”you could hear the confusion in his voice.
“ I’ll see you next year right? At the spot, and then maybe we can get some coffee?”
“Sounds good. See you next year Mandy.” He shouted back and got into his car.
“Goodbye Alex” she whispered as she climbed into her car. The whole way home she repeated her mother's last words  I will love you as long as the wind blows ,as long as the sun shines, and as long as the birds sing .. I  will love you forever. I love you, Mandy …….  I will love you as long as the wind blows ,as long as the sun shines, and as long as the birds sing .. I  will love you forever. I love you too, Mom.

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