Letter to Penelope 2 | Teen Ink

Letter to Penelope 2

May 16, 2016
By VictoriaB BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
VictoriaB BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Darling Penelope,
It;s been love  since I have seen your unparalleled beauty. I encountered an enchantress, the goddess, Circe. Eurylochus,  a loyal companion, warned me of her. She serenaded the men on his boat and cursed them, making them pigs. PIGS, I TELL YOU. How absurd is that?  Eurylochus wanted me to leave. Take the other ships and make an exodus from the island. You know me, I couldn’t just leave my men to die. I confronted this wretched woman. Hermes, the messenger god, gave me a  drink, making me immune to her spell. Circe was wicked. I wanted to kill her, in my men’s honor. Oh wicked she was indeed. Penelope, I love you more than anything and you know that. You are my drug, my lotus flower. I have been going through unbearable withdrawals while away from you. Drug addicts will get their hands on any source of escape they can find, despite the poor quality, which can never fill the same void as their usual poison. You, my love, are the finest flower in the garden, while she, Circe, is but a cheap weed. Unfortunately, she was the closest thing I could get, but nothing will ever compare to you.
  Please, my doll, forgive me. The contemptible goddess imprisoned me for five years. After begging for a while, she told me how to leave. I have to go to Hades empire, the underworld. I am so very sorry I am not by your side. I know you aren’t at your best in my absence but I promise I am trying to return to you and our son as soon as possible.

With all the love in the world

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