I am the Tortoise from Tortoise and the Hare | Teen Ink

I am the Tortoise from Tortoise and the Hare

May 26, 2016
By Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After a good nice sleep, the day starts at 6.  I get dressed, brush my teeth, and shower in 10 minutes, every minute seeming endless.  I continue on through the day, same schedule, same classes, same friends, same pace.

Finally the end has come, I pack my bag and wait for the 10th and final beep of the day.  The beep that sets us free.  I grab a new bag, and head home, home to the track.
I smell the tar from the blistering track and begin pounding my feet against it as I warm myself up.  As I run that first lap I imagine. I Imagine a race, a last push, a win, a podium.  I finish that lap and head to my coach, listening carefully to the what and the why.
I complete my workout, tired and drained, but determination carries me through.  I stretch and cool down, knowing the little work I did today will get me to where I want to be tomorrow.
I get home and my day drags on.  10 o’clock and Im in bed once again, dreading the slow repetitive days to follow.  However one thought that gets me through, “slow and steady wins the race”, and I'm back to sleep once again.

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