How to Fail Your AP Exam | Teen Ink

How to Fail Your AP Exam

May 26, 2016
By Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A brand new 5 Steps to a 5 book
Hours upon hours of naps
A heaping pile of unsharpened number 2 pencils
A notebook filled with doodles and drawings
A heap of procrastination
$90 of your parents money for the AP exam
A desire for failure
A dab desire to write your name
A sprinkle of sleep to get you through the exam

First, purchase a brand new 5 Steps to a 5 book that you will never open or use, but hey at least you have one.
While you are purchasing your book you might as well get a heaping pile of unsharpened number 2 pencils and sharpen one if you have time.  You can then just leave the rest in the box, they might be used sometime.
Next, blow off all of your homework assignments.  Don’t read the textbook, take any notes, and NEVER EVER write down the vocab. Instead enjoy hours upon hours of naps.
During your painful 40 minutes of class time, which let's be real is just lectures, take your notebook and your one sharpened pencil and doodle away.  Fill that notebook with the best doodles and drawings you have to offer.
Now halfway through the year you will get a pink slip to sign up for the AP Exam. Bring this home and inform your parents on how hard you have been working and explain how its $90 now, but  will save them money in the future. (Although you know you will never pass, taking this test will get you out of a half a day of school)
None of this will work unless you start off the year with a desire for failure, so make sure you do that.
Finally the day has come, you grab your one sharpened pencil and sit down.  Using your dab of desire scribble down your name, that's a good start.
After you write your name, rest your head and use the sprinkle of sleepiness to sleep through the 4 hour exam.  Congrats you made it through.
Wait several weeks for your results.  Hopefully you will have successfully failed your AP Exam.

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