Captured | Teen Ink


June 1, 2016
By Naimah BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Naimah BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They were between me and the exit. Bad guys that been holding me hostage for over five years. I only have two options, fight or flight. Going back to that hatch is not an option for me. I guess I’m fighting the guys with guns that’s blocking my only way out of here. “Time to put the fighting lessons my father taught me to use.” Running up to the guy on the left, I kicked him in the private parts while grabbing the gun pushing it upwards. The gun went off right over my head. A second fire was shot and it grazed my shoulder. I quickly turned around and pulled the trigger. I watched as the guy fell to the ground in shock. “Hey! What are you doing outside the hatch?” I pushed the door open and escaped. My eyes are sensitive from the sun, I find it almost impossible to keep my eyes open. Unable to enjoy the sun on my face and fresh air in my lungs, because I’m still on the run. A loud sound alarm goes off, warning people that I escaped. Along the beach was a raft. I ran as fast as I could and jumped into it. I started paddling as I simultaneously watched the exit door swing open and guards aiming their guns towards me. Ducking as I hear gun shots, shot over me and splashing into the water. At this point, I was far enough from the beach that they won’t be able to catch me.
Five years ago, I was called for an interview back in my hometown in Philadelphia. I was a biological scientist looking for a job. At the interview, I was told, “We want you with our company because we heard that you are a highly trained scientist, and we think you're special for our new project.” He offered me a drink, and the next moment I was feeling nauseous. He drugged me! When I gained conscious, I was placed on a bed located in a lab room. They changed my clothes, brushed my hair and put me in a lab coat. Not only did I feel violated but I was unaware of my surroundings. Banging on the door for almost an hour, I decided to give up. I looked over to the right and saw a tape that said: “Play me”. It was a video of a man named Mr. Albert who gave me instructions on what I’m supposed to do in the hatch. The company wants me to make genetic copies of a specific DNA. He forgot to mention why was I abducted and put into a hatch.
Around the same time every day they will send food down to the hatch in capsules. At 6am, 4pm, and 8pm they will sound the same alarm that supposed to wake me up and make me work on their project. The days when I refused to complete their work, they would shock me with the ankle bracelet that was placed on me various times until I did my job. Months, after months, I finally was able to make the clone that they wanted. It was a copy of women, Jessie Diggle. I was promised that if I accomplish the DNA copy they would let me go. Little did they know that I could hear them through the vent beneath the bed. I overheard them watching me, and taking notes like I was some type of experiment. I heard one of them say “We can’t possibly let her go now. She’s way too valuable. She was able to complete something that we’ve been searching for the past 18 years!”  After hearing that I’ve planned, and attempted to escape and fail multiple times in the process. “One day I will get out of here and get back to my family! Do you hear me?”
I’ve been drifting in this raft for about 4 hour’s now. Missing my family, and my fiancé. I miss my baby sister and wonder how big she’s gotten. I miss the taste of ice cream and hamburgers, and not that junk they feed me. I miss my old life.
Two days later on the raft, without food and water, I could barely sleep. Chak chakk chak chakk. It sounds like a helicopter not too far from here. I can see it! I jumped up waving my arms back and forth. I don’t think they saw me. The helicopter flew straight by me. So I began to paddle as quickly as possible. Finally getting to the shore I walked up to a taller, older gentlemen with grey hair and blue eyes. “Where did you come from? Are you okay?” he said. “I just want to go home,” I say. “Well, you came just in time we’re heading back to NYC”. I couldn’t believe I was actually going home. There is so many emotion running through me right now. Emotions that words can’t describe. After landing in NYC, the gentlemen paid the cab to take me to Philadelphia. I wonder what my family must think, or if they even bothered to search for me.
It was so hard for me to knock on the door. My hands were sweating, legs shaking and my throat felt like it was closing. Then I knocked. My mom’s husband open the door, staring at me like he couldn’t believe I was standing here. I felt the same way. A few hours later after explaining where I’ve been for the last 5 years. My family thought I was dead for the past 3 years. My sister is now 16! I can’t believe how big she is now, and my fiancé is married to someone else. I am just glad to be back home safe and with my family.

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