Uncommon Recipe | Teen Ink

Uncommon Recipe

January 18, 2018
By edenkust1234 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
edenkust1234 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Find someone that you like and that is somewhat similar to you. Make sure that this person brings a crateful of love to your life, so that you never want to let them go.
Make sure that this person brings you a pocketful of laughter rather than a dash full of tears
Make sure when you tell this person anything you have mounds of trust with this person, so that they won’t hurt you like some friends will.
You need to know that sometimes you will have the occasional sprinkle of fighting and a dollop of hard times, but you and your friend will be known to have an acre of getting through everything together.
In the end of all that you and your friend will have a pile full of smiles together that create a basket full of memories.
In the end your recipe be forever, you will have an eternity friendship.

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