One lonely Boat | Teen Ink

One lonely Boat

May 9, 2018
By polevault22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
polevault22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only one in eyes sight. I am the only one who sees it. One lonely boat with sun kissed and bleached sides. One that does not belong but still floats. One boat drifting in the tide. From the beach, I can see it, but my family just ignores and does not pay attention.

Its path is unknown. It has insane speed when the wind picks up. Its speeds up and it slows down and it floats in the waves up and down all day long with the wind howling and it never stops. This is how it floats.
Nobody can see its trip, moving north as fast as a flash, floating alone all through the night. Rock, rock, rock it goes when I watch. It floats.

When the wind is too slow and weak to keep it moving, when the waves are gone and no water is moving, then it is a small structure in the vast ocean. When the ocean is empty all along the horizon. One that floats no matter the weather. One that moves with the wind. One who will be lost forever.

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