Shooting the target | Teen Ink

Shooting the target

May 11, 2018
By Bawiphutin BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Bawiphutin BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey, Jim pass the ball” I ordered (Jim passed it to Don) Jim why didn’t you pass the ball, I could’ve scored. “If you were open I could’ve given it to you,” said Jim. (Continued arguing) Boys!!!(yelled coach) stop it, it over go home and rests for next week.

Dad why do I keep losing friends, I just say pass the ball and they don’t wanna pass to me. So I get exasperated at them and say words that I didn’t mean. Son every time you get mad come home and shoot the bow at the target. As I lose my rage I will come home from school and fire at the target. I made 21 stops in 7 days which is a week. I told my dad that what this supposed to benefit.
My dad replied with “wait and found out, just tell me when you could handle your anger.” The next day I was so stoked, every time I get mad I just started grinning or giggling. My friend became creeped out and just walk away. After school, I ran to my dad
“Dad I hold my anger today when my friend Jim didn’t want to talk to me” I cried. My dad said every time you get angry or argue with them, you leave a big wounded just like the arrow you blasted at the target or when you let go of the string you can’t just clutch it back it just dive and crashes the target. Even if you say apologize to them, they will still be a wound at their heart, it can’t just disappear. That phrase really hit me.
So the next day I traveled up to Jim. I told him that I’m sorry if I leave a scar on you. Jim replied, “it’s okay not all people are perfect and everyone make mistake.” The next day was game day, I did exactly Jim told me to do, which was stay wide and I looked around me and no one was guarding me. I yelled “Jim!” he glanced up and saw me, passed to me and a GOALLLLLLL!!!!!!

The author's comments:

My teacher has inspired me, about writing and I just started writing and really got into it.

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