The girl and the magic boy | Teen Ink

The girl and the magic boy

May 15, 2018
By Anonymous

Once there was this little girl named Sam. She was eight years old and lived in South Carolina. She was the only child in her family and she loved every minute of it. For her birthday she got an old west playhouse to call her own.
As she was waiting for it to be done she found a surprise on her bed and decided that she was going to follow the steps it said on the box. As she was doing that she found that her old west house was done!As she went to go and start planing and her best friend Matt came over. Mat was the next door neighbor that was 9 years old and just moved from Texas and seemed like he had some special powers. Sam did not know for sure but she thought it was something like a time travel.
As she was telling him about the playhouse they all of the sudden we're in another world she was so confuse one where they were, how they got there ,and what they were doing.Mat totally know what they were doing and on the other hand Sam was freaking out. Sam was asking all of these questions and was trying to figure out where they were at and Mat would not tell her anything.
Until Sam found out that there were going to the past. They were going to find out why everyone was dying. Until final Matt told her that they were going back to the past because he wanted to find his really family.
That was a really big shock to Sam because she thought that he had a perfect and lovely family. But he hid that under his many skins to cover up all of his trials that he had to go though.As soon as they got there she realized that her mom and dad got into a big fight and were splitting up. The only reason was because Matts dad was not happy that Matt was born.
As they were going back Sam was trying to get Matt to tell her why he never shared that with anyone even his new parents. He really didn't want to share it because it made him feel bad and it did not bring out the best in him. In the process of doing this Sam really changed Matts way of thinking on what he did and that it not his fault. She also made him feel better about himself and that he needs to share this with his family.

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