Key Story | Teen Ink

Key Story

December 14, 2018
By Anonymous

My name is Rose Tyler and this is how I met my Doctor

I walk to the door of my apartment and start to look through my keys, and I see a new, strange key. I look at the key and wonder “Did I leave my keychain somewhere?!” as I keep looking at the key, it’s bronze, small, the top of the key has a mouth like a gash out of it, the mouth looks like the key is screaming, beside it, to the right, there is a skull with crossbones, at the top of the shaft of the key there is a addition sign.

“Maybe I did leave it on the table at lunch... “ I scratch the back of my head, “the key looks like it might open a lockbox, or maybe a pair of small handcuffs…” most likely the lock box. The crossbones might be some sort of voodoo...

“Ms. Rose?” My landlady, Mrs. Donna, asks quietly.

I yelp, “Y-Yes Mrs. Donna?”

“You have been standing there looking at your keys for the last 20 minutes.”

“Oh… It's just that this random key is on my keychain and I don't know where it came from…”

“Let me see.” Mrs.Donna grabs them out of my hand before i can say anything, “Hmmm…” She flips it over a few times, “who did you go with at lunch?”

“H-How did you know I went out for lunch?”

“That doesn’t matter. Who?”

“Jack, Missy, and Rory. Why?”

“What did your waiter look like?”

“Tallish, pale, Scottish, and a pretty boy…” I sigh as I think of him.

“That's what I thought…” Mrs. Donna sighs, “You have been picked by the Doctor. Don’t fall in love with him. If you do, don’t expect to be with him forever. Good luck Rose Tyler and have fun my dear.”

“I will Donna Noble. And uh what is the key to?”

“The T.A.R.D.I.S.”

“The what now?” I look really confused.

Donna has a fox like grin spreads across her face. “I love explaining this. The T.A.R.D.I.S. stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space.” Donna leans in closer, “It’s bigger on the inside.”

I stifle a laugh because of the face she made, “Okay. Thank you for everything. I’ll visit when I can! See you later!”

“Good luck and have fun!”

With that, I ran out of the building, to look for my Doctor.

The author's comments:

This is a different universe on how Rose met the Doctor, but it is the 10th Doctor instead of the 9th. In this version, Donna came before Rose and did not have her memory wiped. 

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