Queen of the Night (Part 2) | Teen Ink

Queen of the Night (Part 2)

April 1, 2022
By Anonymous

Lucy slowly opened her eyes.  Suddenly she felt a sweaty hand put on her mouth. Struggling to breathe, she felt the person drag her back. Twisting her neck until it hurt, she observed it was Peter.  Cleverly concerned behind a huge bush, they both look over and Peter pointed out the source of his caution. A minotaur was prowling about the area she was just in.  The animal stood growling, smelling Lucy’s flowery scent.

 Glancing at his younger sister, Peter signaled her to be quiet and drew his sword. Lucy rolled her eyes; her breathing was quieter than the sound of steel scraping against the sheath. Stealthily, he began it approach the Minotaur from behind.

 Quickly Caspian lunged out of the nearby shrubbery and lunged at the golden-haired boy. Peter quickly swung his blade in an arc to stop the blade from hitting his chest. Caspian quickly made a thrust at him that was narrowly pushed aside by the younger boy’s sword. Overestimating his swing, Peter missed and stabbed his sword into the nearest tree. Her brother was incredibly skilled, of course, but the chances of losing Peter had never been more real to Lucy.

  Caspian, looking behind the tree, noticed his cousin Marquesa standing there. Savagely, he kicked Peter in the stomach for nearly hitting his cousin. He fell to the ground but quickly recovered, picking up a rock to strike his opponent. Observing the not so subtle move, Caspian picked up Peter’s sword to finish him off.

“No!” Lucy and Marquesa yell in unison. Both glanced at each other questioningly. She was clearly a leader, and a confident one at that Marquesa surmised. The younger girl's cheeks bloomed red as she caught Marquesa's bold stare. 

Lucy smiled slightly. She could be good friends with that girl.

 The two boys stopped, Caspian looking at Lucy and Peter at Marquesa. The two Pevensie siblings stared in amazement as Narnians they had not seen before came out of hiding and pointed weapons at them.

 Caspian, seizing this moment, pointed Peter’s sword at him and takes a deep breath.

Peter, putting two and two together, asked with an edge on his voice “Prince Caspian?” Marquesa frowned. The boy sounded like he had been looking for Caspian for a long time and was disappointed by his findings. Caspian is all that he has she thought to herself It's not like that blond boy is a better match for a ruler.

Caspian did not like the authority in this boy’s voice; he sounded as if he was in control. He quickly questioned “Yes! And who are you?”

A rustling came from the bushes behind and Susan, Edmund and Trumpkin run into the scene. Marquesa quickly remarked “The children in the stories…”

Caspian glimpsed at the sword in his hand and notes the lion head. Recognition lit up in his eyes and he doubtfully said, “High King Peter?”

Peter smirked; it took this impertinent boy long enough “I believe you called our services”

Caspian immediately took offense at this smart response and cheekily replied “Well yes, but… I thought you’d be older and have people ready to fight with you"

He glanced at his cousin who was as shocked as him.  Marquesa then smiled as she saw Caspian's somewhat fallen expression; men in power tended to be possessive about their voice and position.

Peter, eager to nettle this prince, answered sarcastically “Well if you’d like, we can come back in a few years when we're 'older' and more 'prepared'” He noticed the young lady’s face turn pale and his heart fluttered for a moment. 

“No! No, that’s alright. You’re just…You’re not exactly what I expected.” Caspian hastily tried to reassure them. He noticed the older sister looking at him with a curious expression on her face. He certainly didn’t want her to go back yet he thought to himself The queen looks beautiful. Far better than I could imagine from what the professor described to me.  Marquesa looked at him, seeing what he thought plainly on his face. Such tact he had.

“No, we need you here. Despite the big heads cousin, all of Narnia, we, I need your help” she tried smoothing over the situation, extending her hands out as a gesture of peace.

Edmund, still looking at the Minotaur, stated “But you are not who we expected. or rather would think would be working together”

Trufflehunter, one of the dwarves that took the two Telmarine teens in, calmly said “A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes.” He noticed the stricken look on the dark-haired boy’s face.

A large mouse stepped forward from beside Marquesa’s side. He bowed and respectfully said “We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service.”

Lucy stood on her tiptoes to whisper into her older sister’s ears ”He’s so cute!”

Quickly whipping out his sword, Reechipeep pointed at the two girls. Marquesa rolled her eyes; he was very adorable, but he refused to be addressed by any pet name. “Who said that?”

Lucy, trying to keep from giggling, admitted “I did. I apologize”

“Oh, uh… your majesty. With the greatest respect…I do believe courageous, courteous, or chivalrous might more befit a knight of Narnia.” he tried to explain his opinion. His small ears curled as he spoke, giving him the air of an offended child. 

Marquesa stepped forward “I would like to say something to make you feel more comfortable, Queen Lucy the Valiant. It is not only you that made the mistake of addressing him in a way not fitting for his valiance. I did call him cute at the beginning. One can see why thought”

Reepicheep glared at her but she continued “My name is Marquesa. I am King Caspian’s cousin. It is an immense pleasure to see you four in real life and not just by hearing about your exploits in years past”

“Marquesa!” Caspian hissed at her. She took no notice of his look. Peter, smiling at the young lady, quickly reasserted his authority “Well, if half of Narnia is as charming as you, we won't have to be using our blades as much."

Caspian frowned at this but ruefully said “Well then, you’ll probably be wanting yours back.” Peter took the sword handed back to him and walked away towards his siblings.  

“Maybe, Caspian “Marquesa beckoned for her cousin to bend towards her. She quickly cupped her hands around his ear and whispered something in it. He shook his head steadily at that, but she gave him a shove. Grumbling to himself, Caspian offered “My cousin would like to know if you like to come with us and I can show you what defenses we have secured”

Peter nodded at this statement and answered, “Lead us Prince Caspian” The four siblings took their places beside the young man, Susan slipping to be close to his side. Marquesa purposely ignored Peter’s attempt to walk beside her and fell behind to walk with Edmund.

“Your Highness, could you explain to me how you are a boy yet a King? I hope I am not being rude.” She asked, a smile lighting up her face. Edmund smiled back at her and answered “I was a man but then I turned back into a boy. Its complicated. I can explain the story to you”

She smiled wide, eager to hear this tale. Edmund, pleased to have an audience, began to tell the story of Lucy finding the world in the wardrobe. While they were walking, she felt a hand slip through hers and Lucy’s face looked up at her. Marquesa bent down to whisper “I think we will be very close friends”

Lucy giggled and answered, “I think Peter wants to be a friend as well”

“Not the one who was fighting! I prefer the one who talks to me now” she replied in a low tone. “He’s better tempered”

Lucy nodded and continued to study the animals around them. A minotaur marched beside making her feel a bit nervous. His black eyes glittered as he peered down at her.

“Hello, there,” he said gruffly, taking in the small girl.

Lucy bravely replied “Hullo, yourself. I’m not afraid of you” The Minotaur bent back his head and laughed. All the humans turned to look at him.

Lucy felt quite ashamed but Marquesa retorted “Close your mouth, Fur. Lucy doesn’t know you like we do. She’s got a right to have been scared before”

The Minotaur continued to laugh but no one paid him any mind.  Peter however seized his chance to speak to the young lady. He nudged Lucy out of the way and asked her “How did you end up with Caspian here? You are Telmarine but you seem like a Narnian”

Marquesa, eager to push his buttons, cheekily answered “I suppose you are the epitome of all Narnia. Or how else would you know how a “Narnian” acts?” She sweetly smiled at the High King’s stricken face. Peter, feeling dumb and slightly angry, swallowed nervously and went back to his spot.

The rest of the walk went fine except for Edmund’s confession about the White Witch. Marquesa noticed all his siblings give him a weird look. She felt bad for him; she knew what it was like to fail at something crucial and deal with people’s disappointment. However his reaction when he uttered the Witch's name made her heart drop; her father had named her after the very same woman so she could not imagine how he would come to grips when he learned her middle name.

Soon they came in view of Aslan’s how. Several Centaurs took their places on either side of the entrance and raised their swords. At Marquesa’s gesture, Caspian stopped and let the Pevensies go first.  His teeth grounded into each other as he noticed Peter pulling Marquesa to join him. Bewildered by the “fuss”, she let him pull her to his side. Susan and Edmund exchanged glances, noticing this scene. Lucy smiles at a child Centaur who held his sword too low. Caspian quickly took the lead again when they entered the How.

Inside many Narnians were manning the bellows. Fauns were piercing together the leather jerkins and minotaurs were working the furnaces. Dwarves scurried around, striking the hot iron to produce sleek swords.

Caspian wryly commented, glancing at Peter’s astonished face “It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible “.

Peter rolled his eyes at him and whispered something in Marquesa’s ear. She in turn laughed, but then, noticing Caspian's jealous look,  bit her lip to keep from continuing. Noticing Caspian’s eyes narrowing, Susan directed everyone’s attention to the wall behind them. “Peter you may want to see this”

Caspian frowned; he could take Peter hating him. After all, he didn't precisely live to have anyone approve of him other than the Narnians but still, he thought Peter could try to be helpful at least, instead of undermining him permanently. With every move he made, Peter made his temper rise. Marquesa quickly slipped beside her cousin and squeezed his hand lightly; she could tell that he was struggling with the new power shift.

 Edmund, Peter, and Caspian held their torches higher so that the rest might get a clearer view and stepped closer. There were beautiful drawings on the cave walls. One showed the four siblings at their coronation.

“It’s us” Susan pointed out matter of factly. Edmund quietly whispered “Duh!”

Caspian felt a hand touch his shoulder softly. He looked down and noticed Lucy looking at him.

“What is this place?” she asked quietly. He was shocked; all Narnians knew what this was.

“You don’t know?” he said incredulously. Marquesa handed him a torch and they both led the group down a dark tunnel. When he came to the end, he lit one end of the fire pit to illuminate the room. The large carving of Aslan was laid directly above the cracker Stone table. Lucy who had moved next to Marquesa in the front gently told Peter “He must know what he’s doing”

Marquesa couldn’t resist saying “It took you long enough to figure it out”

Peter glanced sharply at her before answering his sister, “I think it’s up to us now”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Us, the people who could have killed you back in the woods are now useless?” Caspian argued, touching his sheath.

Peter shrugged his shoulders and replied, “We, the original Kings and Queens were brought to fix what your people started. Apparently one bad seed corrupted the entire kingdom that we had constructed”

Caspian lunged at Peter, but Susan intervened with, “Lady Marquesa, could you show us where we will be sleeping because frankly, I am exhausted.” Marquesa, seeing how wise this was, led the girls to the room they would be sharing.

“I apologize there is no natural lighting. We would sleep outdoors except for the fact that we ladies could be carried off in our sleep by soldiers thus we sleep here” Marquesa cheerfully said, smoothing the blankets on the canopy bed. Susan looked around with disdain. There wasn’t much to speak of just a huge bed, a wardrobe, and a mirror.

“Are we to share this bed?” she asked, scrunching her nose up.

“Unless you have somewhere else to sleep, yes!” Marquesa spitefully responded, turning to look at the girl. Susan was about her age she guessed.

Lucy squealed “It’ll be like having a sleepover. I’ve always wanted to have a sleepover” Marquesa laughed with her; it would like be having a younger sister.

“I suppose that you will need a change of clothes for night use” Marquesa quietly said, opening her wardrobe. She pulled out two white nightgowns. “Here you are! I will wear something of Caspian’s to bed”

Susan blushed” Like one of his shirts?”

“Of course, the non-sweaty ones. If it’s one thing I know about my cousin, its that’s he sweats like crazy around when he is nervous. I did the exact opposite: I freeze up” Marquesa gaily answered, hanging them the clothing. Lucy quickly hopped out of her cherry red and white dress and into the silky nightgown. Susan instead sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Marquesa.

“Yes?” Marquesa asked finally frustrated at the girl’s bold staring at her.

“Well, are we not going to eat? I am extremely famished” Susan complained, her lips forming a pout. Marquesa rolled her eyes; it was going to be a long night.

 Two Days Later

 Marquesa was able to form different opinions about the siblings. Susan was not too fond of her. She was not too sure what it was whether it was the fact that she was close to Caspian or that she got along with her siblings better than she did herself. There was a coldness to her manner towards Marquesa which she was disappointed by. Marquesa admired the Gentle Queen but there was no intimacy between them. She kept her conversations with her, short and sweet.

Peter… was very respectful and friendly. She wasn’t too sure what they had in common except that they both enjoyed telling stories. He did seem to like her but that wasn’t foremost on her mind. Although, there were times when she felt her heart flutter at his gracious gestures of favor such as a seat next to him or a simple kiss on the hand.

Edmund was a friend after her own heart. He was very kind and thoughtful.  Marquesa especially enjoyed his sarcastic side like her own and his delightful habit of teasing others not excluding her.

Lucy was like a little sister to her and Caspian. They both enjoyed hearing her opinions or tales about Aslan. Marquesa couldn’t help but feel envy towards the little girl who had seen Aslan face to face. She closed her journal after she had written down her thoughts when the sound of approaching footsteps made her slam her book shut. 

“Marquesa, do you want to join us in our sword training?” she heard Peter’s voice calling for her. Sighing, she pulled herself out of her thought process and opened the bedroom door.

“Sure, where are Susan and Lucy?” she asked, tucking a curl behind her ear. Peter smiled at her before answering “They are outside with the fauns, exploring the woods. You can borrow my sword to practice”

Taking the offered sword, she felt the heaviness of the weapon. She slipped into the sheath hanging from her belt. Caspian had given her a pair of his old pants and shirts to wear when she was not out with the Queens. Walking down the corridor, she let Peter help her up the ladder ascending to the roof of the cave. Up onto the boys practiced their skills without danger of crashing into a wall.

“Hullo, Quesa!” Edmund yelled, dropping the boot he was putting on. Caspian sat putting his boots on as well.  Sweat dripped down both of their faces.

“Caspian, go against your cousin!” Edmund suggested, eyeing her outfit “She’s dressed for it!”

She shrugged; she and Caspian had dueled before. He had won of course. Caspian jumped to his feet and pulled out his sword. He felt that this would be more than a quick match since it had been quite some time since they had last sparred.

“On guard, Marquesa,” he said, striking near her chest. Quickly, she brought the sword down his blade. Now that she had an audience, this fight was not going to be lost quite as easily.

“I think you will need to be,” she remarked, slicing against his pant leg lightly. Caspian froze for a split second, shocked at her audacity, and then continued to fight. They went on for minutes, striking and deflecting strikes. Edmund and Peter were amazed at the stamina of them both. Marquesa held her own against her slightly larger opponent.

Finally, Marquesa accidentally sliced Caspian’s wrist and drew blood. The fine line she made looked rather serious against his tanned skin. Grinding his teeth together, Caspian dropped his sword on the floor and snapped, his black eyes snapping “Marquesa, give up. This is enough”

“What?” she said shocked “You lose because you got hurt. That was fair” Marquesa flipped a few long, curly black strands out of her face and placed a brown hand on her hip. She could feel the sweat drenched fabric of her shirt clinging to her back.

“Shut up. A girl shouldn’t be out here fighting. Queen Susan and Lucy are out practicing archery” he said intentionally trying to hurt her. Caspian knew she prided herself on being just as skilled as any man if anything, she tried to go above and beyond what an average man could do. While they were still in the castle, she would skip out on more “feminine” activities such as sewing, baking, or needlework. Marquesa, not physically on the same level as a man, still tried to employ her skill in swordsmanship and other activities required of a man. 

“Peter asked me out here. Stop being petty, Cas” she rebuked him, watching his shoulders tense up. Being that they had been with each other their whole lives, she keenly knew when his emotions overtook him by the curl of his upper lip, the way his nostrils would flare, and the way his eyes would crinkle.

“Alright, Marquesa Jadis” he spit out, eyes glaring at her. Marquesa felt the shock pervade the atmosphere. Her name was supposed to be kept between them. She had confided in him that she felt that the White Witch’s name would do more to harm her budding friendship with the younger King than anything else. Immediately, Edmund looked at her as if he had betrayed her; his dark eyes looked very disappointed in her. It appeared that her middle name took a cruel blow at his feelings.

“Eddie, it’s not what you think!” she tried to reassure him. She felt her connection to him dwindling as he edged away from her. Edmund shook his head as he ripped the leather bracelet she had given him off his wrist and climbed back down the ladder. Peter frowned at her disapprovingly; Marquesa recalled that he did hate scandal and secrecy. She felt tears coming to her eyes, but she did not want to cry in front of the High King.

Caspian seeing her attempt to keep back the emotional outburst, tried to apologize but she stopped him “Shut it! I don’t want to hear your piteous excuses. That was cruel of you. I had trusted you to tell no one of my middle name, no one! Yet you told the people I respected the most about it! I hate you.”

She rushed down the ladder and into her bedroom. As the resounding echo from the door slam filled the whole underground network, Peter opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted by the sound of yelling. Caspian immediately girded his sword onto his armor belt and stood at attention, ready to address the concern. A faun rushed up to them and announced, “I have spotted a Telmarine.”

Later in the Stone table room, Peter addressed the Narnians, sitting beside Marquesa, who refused to make eye contact with Edmund or Peter. Lucy sat next to her, holding her hand soothingly. Marquesa, trusting her the most, had confided the entire situation to the younger girl and had received much consolation from her.  Numerous Narnians crowded the room, making Susan must stand next to Caspian which was awkward for both.  Indeed, it was not far from the truth that many soldiers surmised an affection between the two royals.

“It’s only a matter of time. Miraz’ men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren’t protecting his castle.” he reasoned, looking around the room.

Reepicheep, stepping forward, asked, “What do you propose we do, Sire?” All the other creatures nodded in agreement to this question.

Both boys spoke at the same time. “We— “

” Our—” Peter glared at Caspian. Frowning, Caspian let the younger boy go first. He felt a hand touch his shoulder and Susan’s blue eyes looked up at him.

“Pete can be a bit pushy sometimes. Please don’t take it to heart” she tried to smooth over the situation’s awkwardness. Her beautiful eyes radiated with gentleness as Caspian stared into them. His cheeks went red when he felt her eyes look at him with some unknown feeling in them.

He continued “Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us.” Peter looked around confidently and surveyed as the crowd took his statement in.

 Caspian felt anger rising in his heart as he protested “But that’s crazy, no one has ever taken that castle.” He clenched his hands into fists. He was really starting to dislike the High King.

“We should listen to Caspian, Peter. He’s been there” Susan informed her older brother smugly.  After all, the Gentle Queen had always hated pointless battles and from what her brother spoke of, it seemed as though it would turn out to be one.  

“There’s always a first time.” He mentioned, looking at the older boy. Edmund sat against a pillar behind Peter, elbows resting on his thighs as he leaned forward and listened to his brother with interest. Marquesa wasn’t quite sure what she thought of this idea; all she knew was that she could not agree with Caspian on a plan. Lucy sat on the Stone Table beside Reeicheep, her eyes wearing a dissatisfied expression.

Trumpkin spoke up, agreeing with the young king “We’ll have the element of surprise”

“But we have the advantage here.” Caspian tried again to reassert his authority.

Susan tried to back him up “If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely.”

Trufflehunter mentioned, “I, for one, feel safer underground.” Several Narnians nodded their heads in agreement.

"Look, I appreciate what you've done," Peter started, turning towards Caspian with an honest, yet arrogant look, "But this isn't a fortress. This is a tomb."

Marquesa stood up next to him, her eyes lit up with anger.

"Yes, and if they are as smart as you've told us," Edmund agreed with his brother, "They will just surround us and starve us out."

He moved to stand next to Marquesa. She squeezed his hand, letting her know that she was happy that he supported their side. Edmund, looking down at her, smiled and whispered, "I can't stay mad at you for long"

“We could collect nuts!” a squirrel named Patterwig exclaimed, waving his paws excitedly.

"Yes, and throw them to the Telmarines? Shut up!" Reepicheep snapped from beside the squirrel before turning to the High King and bowing. "I believe you know where I stand, Sire." He stepped forward to King Peter’s side, ever loyal to the legendary king.

“Are we all in favor of this plan?” Caspian asked the army surrounding him. Most did not meet his eyes or looked at the High King. He met his cousin’s eyes and silently pleaded with her.

She smiled widely “Tales of these two kings’ skills in strategy and war are the legends we speak of today. However different their enemies were, between Edmund's strategic and cunning mind and Peter's natural leadership skills, they managed to win every single time. And Caspian… we have yet to see that. Should we not go with the ones who are more experienced?”

Marquesa saw the hurt in her cousin’s eyes as she spoke those words. She willed herself not to feel sorry for him. Caspian sighed, his eyes stinging with tears, and exchanged a look with Susan. Peter had won the people, so all left to do now was work their hardest to plan the best possible attack. Susan, seeing the tears, wrapped an arm around him to comfort him.

“If I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?” Peter asked of Glen storm, a captain of the centaurs.

Carefully he answered, “Or die trying, my liege.” Marquesa felt a sudden doubt rise about Peter’s idea. What if a lot of Narnians are slain doing this? She thought to herself.

She saw Lucy stand up on the stone table and address Peter “That’s what I’m worried about.”

Peter, feeling the joy of being obeyed begin to dissipate, asked” Sorry? What did you say?”

"You are all acting like there's two options. Dying here, or dying there," Lucy replied candidly, her voice as light and hopeful as always. She glanced at the Narnians gathered around her. "We should look for Aslan. He helped us against the White Witch when we ruled Narnia. We need to have faith in that He will come again for we can only win if He helps us"

Peter frowned; his sister kept believing in the impossible. “I’m not sure you’ve really been listening, Lu.”

Lucy asserted, her voice growing hard and cold at his statement "No, you're the one who's not listening! Or have you forgotten who actually defeated the White Witch?” Edmund felt himself shrink within as he heard the name he had hoped never to hear. Marquesa wanted to squeeze his hand again but felt that what had occurred earlier would make him feel worse.

Peter straightened, his gaze the coldest one yet. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough."

Lucy felt tears well up in her eyes at her brother’s glance and quickly left the room. Susan, glaring at Marquesa and Peter, followed her after signaling Marquesa not to follow.

Edmund stood up, trying to smooth over the scene “You are dismissed. Caspian will inform you of your marching orders as soon as we are prepared”

All the Narnians left leaving Edmund, Peter, Marquesa, and Caspian standing awkwardly in the room. Caspian made no eye contact with his cousin as he spoke “The will of the people does not always reflect what is good for them”

Peter stiffened at this but Marquesa quietly put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. Edmund shook his head and all of them exited the room.

That Evening

All six of them sat in various positions in the boys’ bedroom. Peter and Caspian sat around the table in the middle, the map in front of them. Susan reclined on a couch, her palms stroking the texture of an embroidered blanket. Marquesa leaned against Peter, her gaze directly on a lantern on the table,
"Our best approach is through an air attack," Caspian declared, palm rested open on the castle' map. He stared intently at Peter as he spoke, "The Telmarines haven't seen griffins before and they haven't fought with Narnians in centuries. They won't know how to deal with them." He looked at the High King with a steely gaze.
Peter frowned “Why can’t we just scale the walls? Marquesa told me how she used to” He squeezed her hand and cocked his head at Caspian. The young prince grunted, looking at his cousin’s tight grip on the so-called High King’s hand.
“Of course, Caspian was too busy filling his mind with thoughts of what he was to eat the next meal” Marquesa added spitefully, scooting closer to her protector and seatmate. Peter smiled as he added, “Whatever happens, we have to let Lucy stay here”
Lucy glanced up from the bed she was seated on, “Why would you leave me? I am the only one with a true connection to Aslan”
Marquesa gasped “Ah, yes.” She looked up at Peter’s strong face and he smiled at her.
“Perhaps, you should take her"

"Never, she's too young and is easily a target" Peter answered, giving Lucy a hard look. Susan nodded, agreeing with her brother for once. Lucy crossed her arms and looked ready to cry.

"Marquesa can keep her company" Caspian added, his eyes looking towards his cousin. Marquesa turned around in shock, ready to add her own comeback but then Peter added, "I agree. We can't have Narnian beauties on the frontlines, now can we?" 

He tilted his head to look at hers. 

"It's not fair. I'm as skilled as any one of you" she protested, stroking Peter's arm. 

"No, Marquesa" Caspian spoke loudly and with a sharp edge in his voice. 

"Who died and made you king over me?" she snapped back, her eyes blazing. Edmund leaned over from the opposite side of the table and muttered, "She needs to go" 

"Why?" Peter and Caspian asked in unison. 

"It's her fight as much as it's ours, if not more." Edmund's reflective words struck deep in the listeners' hearts. 

"It's decided. Marquesa comes with us" Peter said, planting a kiss on her hand.

The author's comments:

Keep watching for the next half soon.

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