Betrayal | Teen Ink


May 20, 2022
By Anonymous

“Mom, I’m home,” Eren shouted as he entered his house. 
He went to the kitchen to see if his mother was there so he could apologize for their earlier argument. Eren called for her again and saw her standing up looking panicked. 
“Mom, I’m sorry about earlier I didn’t mean any-” 
“Eren run, far away and fast.” his mom interrupted him. 
  “Mom are you allri-” Eren was interrupted as his mother burned to ashes. 
He looked at his mother's ashes with horror. A demon emerged from the wall and seemed to look at Eren with joy. 
“I’ve been looking for you.” the demon said in a distorted voice. 
Eren could only look in fear until it finally hit him what his mother's last words to him were. Eren ran as fast as he could until he reached the bus station. He looked around to see if the demon was following him and let out a sigh when he saw nothing. He bought a ticket and got on the bus, in hopes of finding someone that could help him. He fell asleep and woke up to a blond man shaking him awake. 
“Aren’t you too young to be on the bus all alone?” the man asked Eren. 
Eren looked at the man, sensing something in him that made Eren trust him. 
“I’m just getting as far as I can from my home, who are you anyway?” Eren asked him, staring at his brown jacket with a mark on it. 
“Roy Mustang, you might have heard about me on the news, I’m the leader of the scouts,” Roy answered with pride and pointed at the symbol on his jacket. 
Eren looked at him shocked, surprised that the leader of the scouts was on the same bus as him. 
“I’m Eren, Eren Yeager, what are you doing on this bus, aren’t you rich or something?” he asked. 
Roy laughed and Eren looked at him wondering if he should tell him or not. 
“Say if someone saw a demon, would that mean that the portal reopened?” Eren asked Roy with a serious tone. 
Roy stared at him for a while before answering. 
“Well, Eren, we would be aware if the portal had opened again, why do you ask?” Roy questioned him. 
Eren smiled at him, “Nothing, just teenage curiosity.”  
About an hour later, they arrived in Detroit. Roy took Eren to his home after he found out that Eren was basically homeless. 3 days later, a man showed up in their home. He told Roy that the portal that connects the demon and human world had reopened. Roy glanced at Eren and told the man to go to the scout's headquarters. 
“Eren, dress up, you are coming with me,” Roy told Eren boldly. 
Half an hour later they arrived, and Roy told 2 men to take Eren to the training room and get him ready for what was coming. Roy looked at the footage of the portal and saw a man standing near it. 
“Who is that?” he asked his soldiers. 
“Sir, he is the man that reopened the portal, he goes by the name Levi,” one of the soldiers answered. 
“Everyone, get ready for war and say goodbye to your families, you might not see them again,” Roy told them. 
5 hours later everyone was ready for battle. Roy told 2 of his men to bring him Eren and another boy named Damien. The boys came to Roy's office, and he told them to take a seat. 
“Both of you are special, unique, you are human-demon hybrids and have collected powers from your demon parent, that’s why I brought both of you here, inside the scout’s headquarters,” Roy looked at the confused boys. 
“So, what you are saying is that even though we have no idea how to use our powers, we have to go out there and battle them?” Damien questioned Roy with a straight face. 
Roy looked at him and nodded. Eren hadn’t said a word, nor did his expression change. 
“I suggest you both get ready for the battle that’s coming,” Roy told them with a straight face. 
Eren and Damien exited the room. They entered the elevator and there was an awkward silence between them. Eren wanted to try and talk to him to introduce himself, but Damien seemed uninterested. When they arrived at the common room, two soldiers took them so they could wear the scout's uniform and get out to battle. Eren felt happy that he could take revenge on the demon that killed his mother, meanwhile, Damien wanted to kill every single demon for making the human’s lives miserable.  
It had been 1 hour since the scouts had headed out and Eren was feeling nervous. What if he wasn’t good enough? What if he died before avenging his mother? Questions like these raced in his head. It wasn’t long before they reached the military base keeping the portal contained and under watch.  
“What's the situation?” Roy asked one of the guards in a serious tone. 
“The demons have invaded the place and a human is helping them, Captain, I don’t think you should go in there.” the guard warned him. 
Roy didn’t listen to him and told his soldiers to march inside. Eren and Damien were right behind Roy, with scared expressions on both their faces. 
“Captain Mustang, there are at least 2 thousand demons in here, how we are supposed to kill all of them with 2 blades and a gun?” Damien asked. 
“You are not alone Damien, you have me, Eren, and 500 other skilled soldiers,” Roy answered him with sincerity. 
The troops marched at the demons under Roy's command. They sliced the demon's weak spots, their head, and soon enough they had killed half of them. Everything was going smoothly until Levi appeared. Roy looked at him and told his soldiers to be careful of him.  
Levi came charging towards Eren, Eren was scared until something in him clicked and he transformed into a demon. Roy looked at him, full of pride. Eren charged at Levi, throwing punches and fire at him, but Levi kept dodging. Damien looked over, jealous that Eren had achieved his demon form before him. The scouts had killed almost every demon, and Eren and Levi kept fighting. It was until the final demon had been killed that Roy saw how many of his people had fallen prey to the demons. Eren noticed this and threw Levi towards Roy. 
“Captain Mustang, I tried to warn you about Eren, he’s not on our side he’s with the demons. He was the one to open the portal not me, I tried to close it.” Levi looked at Roy weakly, knowing this was his final moment. 
Roy looked back in total shock that he had been manipulated and used by Eren. 
“Everyone that’s still alive, my name is Eren Yeager, I'm a half-demon half-human hybrid, and all of you have helped me bring destruction to this horrible world. I'm going to restore it, make it become better.” Eren announced with a grin on his face. 
Damien looked over at him, full of rage, and that’s when his inner demon awakened, ready to take revenge on Eren for all the suffering he caused. He charged at Eren with all his might. When he finally pinned Eren down he told him 
“I trusted you Yeager, but I won't let you get away now. I'm going to kill you and shatter your dreams.” 

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