The Story of Zagreus | Teen Ink

The Story of Zagreus

January 5, 2023
By jaxonsmith BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
jaxonsmith BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Zagreus, are you sure you want to leave your post just to see her?” said Nyx

 “Yes Nyx, I have been thinking about this for a while, and I think its time.” Stated Zagreus Zagreus had realized that his mother was not Nyx as he had been told all this time, but Perseponey was his real mother 

*Some time passes*

“Father I'm leaving for the surface.” said Zagreus

 “POPOSTORUS BOY! You are my son and will work in this house as I command.” said Hadey

 “ Well father, I already confirmed it with the contractor. (If you ever are to alter a house contact you can trade goods for editing your contact with the house contractor) So i'm leaving” said Zagreus

*he storms off only to be stopped by Nyx*

 “Son, come here!” she said hastily but quietly

 (so as not to alarm his father) “Yes?” he said

 “I know you're leaving so I talked to the gods up in olympia and arranged to help you.” she said

 “What do you mean by helping me? How? Why?” He said

 “ you will have to find that out for yourself, but what I can tell you is that they think you are escaping your father to meet with them on Mount Olympus.” she said

 “Fine I guess I need all the help I can get, goodbye Nyx.” He stated

 “Oh one more thing, a special gift from me to you. its in your room” Said Nyx Zagreus headed to his room eagerly to see a Mirror of Darkness

 “I’ll just look at it and see if it does anything.” thought Zagreus it shines a purple hue and has a text of powers  “So, if I give it darkness it will give me powers in return.” he thought  “I think this will be of great help” he said Zagreus than heads to his training ground where the exit to Tatarus is, but to his surprise there is a weird skeleton creature in front of him and his blade Stigius “Hiya boyo.” said this weird skeleton

 “WHO are you!” said Zagreus, cutting him off

“I am Skelly, practically your unkillable punching bag, so boyo hit me with all you got.” 

“Well here I go.” he said Zagreus goes for his trusted Sword of Stigius. 

“Taking up his sword with his might he swings with full force” 

“That was bareilly a scratch boyo” Skelly said 

“fine you asked for it” Said Zagreus 

“With a vigor unlike before, he strikes to kill and that he does” Skelly falls to dust, but then miraculously revives. “I will kill you over and over again until you rest” Said Zagreus 

*Some time passes* “YOU WILL FALL” Zagreus said

“I told you boyo i'm unkillable why don't you rest” said Skelly

“Fine I will rest and in the morning I will take on my destiny” “Prince Zagreus slumbers in his bed which he is not found of doing, and with that our tale has come to a temporary end”

The author's comments:

It is my first longer piece. It is not yet complete.  

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