Darkness Stirs and Wakes Imagination... | Teen Ink

Darkness Stirs and Wakes Imagination...

November 29, 2012
By Tonia94 SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Tonia94 SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't
-Mark Twain

Erik heard people coming. He ran as fast as he could to the dressing room. They couldn't know he was there. Erik knocked on Madaline Leroux's door. She opened up and heard the running after him. Madaline ushered him into the room and he pulled the mirror back, running into the hall. Madaline closed the mirror door after him. He was safe. Erik walked to the underground lake and got into the boat. He paddled until he got to his apartment at the otherside. It was mostly dark except for five small lamps, just bright enough to not trip over anything.

Erik fell on his bed and took the mask off. His face felt better if it breathed. But, no one wanted to see that... Not even Madaline... and she was his best friend. And only... Erik got up and looked in the mirror. His leftside was okay. His rightside... not so much. It was full of dandruff and uneven layers of skin. His hair was in patches and his eye seemed to bulge out of its socket. Erik was hideous...

Madaline was engaged to Gaston Giry and they would be married soon. No one would ever love Erik. He put the mask back on and looked at the clock he made himself. It was almost midnight.

Eriklaid on his bed and blew the lamp out. He had dreams every night and they were always the same. Erik never had an unusual one pop up. It was his and Madaline's wedding. He loved her. But, she didn't feel the same about him. Tonight, Erik had a different dream. A girl, about Madaline's age, with a beautiful voice. Much better than young Carlotta's would ever be. This girl would become his friend... Erik fell in love with her already.

Erik turned over in his sleep. He saw a man next to her. She knew the man from somewhere else and they were friends. Erik whispered the girl's name: "Christine... Christine..."

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